Understand everything about the SpaceX project for the Internet through space

Understand everything about the SpaceX project for the Internet through space

starlink kit

starlink kit

SpaceX is an Internet service provider whose peculiarity is to direct communication through space, through a constellation of thousands of satellites. Its service is called Starlink.

What is starlink?

Starlink is the name of the satellite service and network It belongs to SpaceX, an American company founded by Elon Musk in the early 2000s that specializes in astronautics. Starlink intends to be an Internet service provider, with a non-standard approach: to provide a connection that passes through space, through communication satellites – in this case, its own.

Starlink’s stated goal is to provide an Internet connection anywhere in the world, including geographies that are poorly served by terrestrial infrastructures (or not at all). These places can be remote, rural, or difficult to reach. However, Starlink mainly focuses on rich and well-equipped countries, with North America and Western Europe.

Therefore, the implementation of this project is requiredSending satellites into space, by launching rockets – It is a SpaceX specialty. Then, customers must also equip themselves accordingly, with a custom kit. Due to the particularities of Starlink, wireless links are used to circulate the signal. These waves do not pose any health concern.

Starlink SpaceX

Starlink SpaceX

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