Ultramarines, lands … the tenth set launched in the National Assembly

Ultramarines, lands … the tenth set launched in the National Assembly

a Tenth political group It was launched on Tuesday of the National AssemblyIts co-chair was announced by Bertrand Buncher, who brought together elected representatives from abroad and Corsican nationalists and centrists, who are part of the opposition. With 15 members – the minimum number of group members – it’s called “Liberties, Independents, Overseas, Territories”. The designation “UTiles” (Ultramarineregions, islands, freedom, equality and solidarity) have already been mentioned.

This group includes many elected members of the group of Liberties and Territories of the former legislature, of which Bertrand Buncher was already president, as well as three elected Corsican nationalists. It was joined by several MPs from the UDI, a center-right formation that does not have enough elected members to create a separate group. One of them, Christoph Naeglin, co-chairs the new group. Several elected officials abroad such as LREM Olivier Serva (Guadeloupe), Estelle Youssouffa (Mayotte), Stéphane Lenormand (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon) or Nathalie Bassire (Réunion) are also part of it.

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“We will discuss the reforms one by one.”

“Wait a few” more deputies in this group that is “in opposition” but “wants to move our country forward,” Bertrand Buncher told the press. He promised “we will discuss reforms one by one” and the group will “contribute to our ability to run our country in a more balanced way.”
The group’s MPs “choose to join a republican, free, independent and responsible opposition,” adds a press release calling for “peaceful democracy.”

Socialist MP David Habib, a critic of the left-wing Nupes coalition, did not join “Liberties, Independents, Overseas, Territories”. After failing to form a group, he for his part announced the formation of a center-left “pole” with five other left-wing elected officials, who would sit among the unregistered. David Habib gave himself “until September” to persuade other MPs to join in order to properly form a group.

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