Two teachers from Grenoble are working on Twitch to spread scientific research in the mountains

Two teachers from Grenoble are working on Twitch to spread scientific research in the mountains


Two educators and researchers from the University of Grenoble Alpes have launched a Twitch channel.
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Teachers and researchers from the University of Grenoble Alpes have launched a Twitch channel alongside their classes. Their project was launched over a year ago: to spread the fields of science and mountains as much as possible to a youth audience. #They _ have _ the _ solution

Twitch is one of the places for sharing invested in the mass by lore creators. The Amazon-owned platform attracts experts from all walks of life who want to share their passion directly with the community. This is exactly the case of the series Mountain researchers. The latter is led by two teachers and researchers from the University of Grenoble-Alpes, who then take on a role Stream.

in front of them viewersonline viewers, often young, Raphael Lacello And the Mikhail room We strive to present and explain the scientific research behind the scenes in the mountains. For them as for their fellow experts, it is therefore necessary to respect one of the main challenges of spreading science online: adapting to platform codes. “Every time we post a flag, whether on Twitch, in the primary classroom, in the mountains, or on a hike, we adapt to the audience, the symbols of the platform, or the place we are in.” explains Mikael, mountain historian.

Reaching a younger audience of students

Behind the scenes, a student from the association ensures that their teachers are always understandable to the spectators. “We call it ‘scenes 0’. It ensures we stay in the frame. We decided to play with the fact that we’re overwhelmed,” says Raphael, an environmental historian.

Live, the audience who follows them can interact with them via a file chat. An audience mainly made up of students who are interested in their subjects: science and mountains. “Twitch tools allow people to be retained. We create a community that we see coming back. It’s like we have friends who come over every single day.” Raphael Lachello jokes. A constant interaction, which the de Montagnes chain wants to take advantage of in the future to reach an audience younger than its students.

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