Twitter has changed fonts and designs

Twitter has changed fonts and designs

The social network, Twitter, announced, on Wednesday, an update to its appearance and character, both for web browsers on desktop and mobile devices, and for applications for Android and iOS devices. As often happens in these cases, the update will be rolled out gradually over the next few hours and it may take some time for all users to see the new design.

One of the things you immediately notice about Twitter’s new design is that the font has changed: It’s called Chirp, which is the first that was created specifically for Twitter; In the past he used fonts like San Francisco, Roboto, and Helvetica. The new line was already It was announced in January.

The color tones have also changed, which are now of higher contrast; It also changed the blue color, typical of Twitter icons, which is now less bright. The goal, Twitter explained, is to give more importance to the photos and videos that users share. The contrast of all buttons has also been increased, starting with the side buttons of different categories. In addition, many elements that can make the presentation of content confusing, such as gray backgrounds and unnecessary division lines, have been removed.

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