Turnover: How to avoid employee departures

Turnover: How to avoid employee departures

To limit and avoid your employees quitting, Nicolas Dugay recommends learning how to spot warning signs of leaving, but also developing different forms of appreciation toward your employees to keep them motivated. Discover his recommendations.

Turnover: How to avoid employee departures

Less signature on the states? Negative changes in attitude? Less interest in prospecting? In a column entitled “13 signs that indicate this.” Your employee will quit soon », Timothy M. Gardner and Peter W. Home list the key behaviors that indicate an employee’s resignation. here they are :

1. They are productivity At work decreased.

2. Show less team spirit.

3. They were often content to do the bare minimum;

4. They were less likely to please their manager;

5. They were less willing to meet long-term deadlines;

6. They showed negative changes in attitudes.

7. They put in less effort and were less Motivations at work ;

8. They were less focused on work-related topics;

9. They often expressed dissatisfaction with their work;

10. They often expressed their dissatisfaction with their boss;

11. They left the office early more often;

12. They have lost enthusiasm for the company’s mission.

13. They showed less interest in working with clients.

Being able to recognize these warning signs of resignation is a Key manager skill. You can actually classify your employees according to a matrix of 13 entries. If you notice someone exhibiting such behaviors, it may already be too late.

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Motivation is a matter of perception

Is there a simple way to Expect resignation ? Researcher John S. Adams interesting idea about equity theory. He imagined a virtual scale with two platforms. At a given moment, if an employee has a feeling or perception, whether justified or not, that the sum of his or her efforts is greater than the sum of the company’s contributions, incentivize He falls. In this case, the equation is summarized as follows: E (effort) > A (contribution).

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The irony of this scale is that it sometimes leans to one side for a reason of relative importance; The famous “straw that broke the camel’s back.” From the manager’s point of view, the last straw may not be justified resignation. But it is the accumulation and this impression that the sum of the efforts is less than the sum of the company’s contributions that motivates this decision. The resigned person has changed his outlook on the situation and believes that he suffers from social inequality.

Recognition forms to be posted on a daily basis

So this is a method Cultivate motivation in your employee To stay in the company. It’s about keeping these four ideas and asking yourself: “Have you implemented each of these suggestions with this or that employee?” »

1. Development Personal recognition : Be genuinely and personally interested in him (not just his goals).

2. Development Professional recognition : Be more concerned with how he does things rather than how many things he does.

3. Develop voice recognition investment : To care about what he does in addition to his duties, and the time he spends helping others and clients.

4. Development Recognize performance : In general, this is what managers do best.

These four forms of recognition are complementary and interconnected. They must be used on a daily basis to meet the needs of each employee.

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Some tips for developing motivation

To further motivate your team, here are four more suggestions:

  • Turn off the blame machine. The manager must know how to paraphrase, but the best way to avoid reframing is to be a champion of the “framework,” thus having established the rules from the beginning and gradually bringing them to life.
  • Do like Edmund Hillary. He is the first man to reach Mount Everest. The New Zealand climber reached the summit with his lead Sherpa, his water carrier. It was Hillary who took the memorial photo. And whoever was on the front page of all the newspapers was therefore the Sherpa and not Hillary, because the latter stepped aside to thank his partner. Putting oneself in the background in favor of a colleague does not diminish the manager’s worth, but only develops it recognition And the incentivize.
  • Be the phenomenon. This new word consists of “requirements” and “trust.” Condition, because it is part of Manager’s job This enhances motivation. Trust, because it is also part of a leader’s job and his foundation Lasting relationshipsAnd finally, the real one Source of motivation.
  • Management development “outside the box”. It is neither formal, and therefore outside traditional administrative rituals, nor informal, and therefore outside coffee breaks. Imagine discrete sequences of exchanges. Does your employee have to walk to get to the appointment? Accompany him for the exchange. Does he need to go buy something he needs in his professional activity? Go in pairs. You will see that these moments, outside the usual framework, break down barriers between individuals.
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