Tourism New Zealand opens to promote tourism in Moyobamba |  Alto Mayo Forest Protection |  Tourism |  Ministry of Environment |  syrnab |  Peru

Tourism New Zealand opens to promote tourism in Moyobamba | Alto Mayo Forest Protection | Tourism | Ministry of Environment | syrnab | Peru

owner (Minam), Robin Ramirez, opened the “New Zealand Tourist House”, a tourist attraction located within (BPAM), in San Martin. This will be managed by the National Service for Natural Protected Areas by the state (), attached to Minam.

The aim of this initiative is to promote the revitalization of sustainable and responsible tourism in protected natural areas (ANP), in addition, this tourist attraction will benefit 80 community members in the area, thus promoting rural community tourism, which in turn generates development opportunities for the local population.

“The Tourism House will help more people to enjoy our nature through sustainable tourism, and thus will provide an opportunity for sustainable development for the people who live in the forest,” said the Minister of Environment.

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Visitors can enjoy the scenic beauty of the area, as well as being able to closely observe the impressive and diverse biodiversity. Likewise, learn about the sustainable activities of the locals, such as dairy farming, pitahaya, orchids, straw crafts, bombonage and family vegetable gardens.

According to Sernanp President, Pedro Gamboa, this attraction, in which 80,000 soles have been invested, will promote appropriate conservation of the ANP, through a virtuous circle that includes biodiversity, ecosystem services and population well-being, thus promoting tourism as a sustainable activity.

Alto Mayo Protected Forest (Photo: Maenam)
Alto Mayo Protected Forest (Photo: Maenam)

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