Tomorrow Azzurri Nespoli, Paoli and Musolesi will be in the stadium

Tomorrow Azzurri Nespoli, Paoli and Musolesi will be in the stadium

Sports, Arch and Olympic Qualifications: Tomorrow Azzurri Nespoli, Paoli and Musolesi will be on the field

To get one of the three team passes for Tokyo, you’ll need to get on the podium.

After investigating yesterday with free throws and today through official test shots, the stadium erected at the Stade Charletti in Paris, Italy is ready for tomorrow’s final and decisive Olympic qualification tournament.

On Saturday, June 19, the day will be devoted to the men’s tournament Recorvo: the coveted team ticket for the Tokyo Olympics will arrive for the trio who reach the podium. So grab 3 qualifiers only that will compete for 38 teams.

Italy is one of those and will be playing on the field with Olympian Mauro Nespoli (Aeronautica Militare), young Alessandro Paoli (Arcieri Iuvenilia) and Federico Musolesi (Casenaso shooting team).

Tomorrow morning at 9.00, the Azzurri will take the field with the other 153 shooters in place to fire 72 round arrows to arrange that will form the scoreboard for the head-to-head matches.

The top 8 teams in the standings go directly to the round of 16, the other 16 teams will play the finals 1/12, while all other teams are automatically eliminated. As mentioned, qualification for Tokyo will only come if you reach the podium at the end of the live matches. The finals are set for 6.00pm and all matches will be broadcast live on the World Archery YouTube channel.

In total there will be 39 countries: Austria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Egypt, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Malaysia. Mexico, Mongolia, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Russia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sri Lanka, USA, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Venezuela.

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Sunday 20 June will play Lucilla Bouri (Fiame Oro), Tatiana Andreoli (Fiame Oro) and Chiara Rebagliati (Archieri Torrevichia). The Italian athletes will take the field to the 72nd round and then take part in challenges worth the ticket to Japan.

In their case, 105 athletes will compete for the passes of the three teams representing 28 countries: Austria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Indonesia, India, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mexico , Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, USA, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Uzbekistan.

Based on the results achieved over the weekend, the individual qualifiers for the tournament to be played on Monday will also be reviewed.
For example, if Italy gets the men’s team pass, it will provide a place in the singles. Meanwhile, New Zealand has given up the singles pass it received at the last Pacific Games. So a place was released in the masculine. So far there are 4 single passes for a male and 2 for a female. Overall, between the team and individual qualifiers, the Paris Championships will offer 24 passes for 70 countries.

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