This woman believes that if she pops a pimple, what comes out of her skin will cost her dearly

This woman believes that if she pops a pimple, what comes out of her skin will cost her dearly

A woman who received Botox on her forehead revealed she made a big mistake. In fact, I popped what I thought was a pimple. Except, unfortunately for her, that wasn’t the case. Don’t worry, Objeko’s editorial staff will tell you all about it. are you ready ?

Big mistake for this woman after a Botox session

Many people are simply making fun of the young lady. Fortunately, others were more sympathetic to the tiktoker and shared their solution to help her. For example, one user explained to him that she could definitely go back to the Botox salon and get it fixed for free. In her words, this is a mistake many people make: “This is a common mistake after a Botox session, an injector can fix for free.

Some recommendations after a Botox session

Indeed, the netizen is right. In fact, most plastic surgeons are in the habit of offering one or more free touch-ups. On the other hand, if a touch-up is necessary, it should be done about 15 days after the injection. You should also know that there are instructions to follow before and after each Botox injection. During the days leading up to the cosmetic intervention, it is not recommended to take medications such as anti-inflammatories and aspirin. Then, after the injection, you should avoid lying down or exercising for the following hours.

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