This is why filming was a nightmare for actor Gimli

This is why filming was a nightmare for actor Gimli

Filming “The Lord of the Rings”, which lasted for several years in New Zealand, was especially stressful and painful for Gimli actor John Ryhs-Davies.

effects in “Lord of the rings“- Peter Jackson films are based on one hand on new computer technologies, and on the other hand also on very old methods. Gollum actor Andy Serkis is considered a pioneer in motion capture technology and a separate computer program has been developed to simulate battle scenes. At the same time, films are still praised On her elaborate models and sets, the same goes for the actors’ elaborate masks.

You can borrow the theatrical version of the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy from Amazon

But masks in particular can cause problems when photographing. They are laborious and take a long time to get attached. In the worst case, the performers could not stand the material. That’s how it was with the Gimli reps John Rhys Davies. ‘Lord of the Rings’ star Dominic Monaghan (Mary) confirms it again in the second episode of the podcast”friendship onion“(Minute 26:00), which he runs with Billy Boyd (Pipen):

“Unfortunately we couldn’t do a lot of things with John Rhys Davies because he unfortunately had an allergy to the prosthetics they had on his face. So, he can only work every third day. If he works on Mondays, he has off Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and he worked Friday. It was an organizational nightmare.”

In the past few years, the stars of The Lord of the Rings have changed a lot. You can find out what it looks like today at Video:

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Makeup Made the Difference in ‘Lord of the Rings’ Star

In the production of The Lord of the Rings films, you learn that Davis had trouble breathing and a severe rash due to the mask. So it’s no wonder the actor had to take regular breaks. His sensitivity was also one of the reasons why he did not appear in the “Hobbit” films, as he did in 2009 in a conversation with empire announce:

“I’ve already been asked and to be honest I won’t. I’ve already taken him out completely. There’s an emotional part of me that would like it to be there. But I’m really not sure my face would be subjected to that kind of punishment.”

In addition to telling interesting stories and anecdotes about the production of The Lord of the Rings films, such as how Indiana Jones ended up being referenced in The Return of the King, Boyd and Monaghan invite you to their podcast. Also the guests. Frodo representative Elijah Wood was already a guest and fans can test their knowledge of Middle Earth in a quiz.

If you were not invited to the podcast by chance, you can test your knowledge in our quiz:

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