This is the very specific day of the year when we are closest to our ideal weight, according to science

This is the very specific day of the year when we are closest to our ideal weight, according to science

There are times of the year when you feel lighter than others. And it is not just an impression, but a proven fact, as suggested by a study that reported it Mary France led WithingsIt is a connected health and wellness company that employs more than 86,000 people. She claims that there will be a very specific date in the year when we will all be closer to our ideal weight, or ideal weight.

Between January 1st and December 31st, the moment we weigh the least heavy weight on the scale will be very defining. September 30th. The date is the end of summer, a period that is actually more conducive to losing weight than winter, when we tend to rest and warm up with food.

Forceps study

“This data does not bring anything new, it only confirms the general trend.”How does a nutritionist work in columns 20 minutes. To continue the explanation: Most people tend to eat more fruits and vegetables in the summer and move more.while in the winter they are “You prefer cheese and starches, hence the weight changes”.

If this “far-fetched” study still needs tweezers and a lot of hindsight, it might “At least the advantage of raising the impact of lifestyle on the body”The doctor admits. “If you’re doing better in the summer, that’s a sign that you should continue those efforts in the winter, continuing to pay attention to your diet and being less sedentary.”

However, far from being true for everyone, these stats are also a matter of everyone’s habits and lifestyle: “If you go on a 15-day all-inclusive vacation to eat junk food all day and get a tan, you have every chance of gaining weight.” Tell a nutritionist.

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