This is the question you should ask your significant other every morning to live happily ever after, according to science

This is the question you should ask your significant other every morning to live happily ever after, according to science

Love is maintained on a daily basis. In order to perpetuate understanding and feelings within a couple, efforts are necessary. It’s a fact: To build a lasting relationship, communication is key. And if there are questions to avoid in order to keep the flame going, there are others that deserve the privilege…and science says so!

Scientists John and Julie Schwartz Gottman have just delved into this topic by studying more than 3,000 pairs, reportedly worldwide. In the pages of their book entitled Love recipe, the latter reveals the all-encompassing secret of love, which is not afraid of the passage of time. It can be summed up in 3 points…

Couple: This is the question that embodies the three keys to lasting love, to be asked upon awakening

  • stay curious about each other;
  • Mutual admiration.
  • He is “I turned towards the other“In all circumstances.

If at first glance these recommendations seem abstract, experts reveal a very simple way to put them into practice every day. Their one-sentence advice for addressing each other in the morning: “Do you need something today?The latter alone embodies the three keys mentioned above.

It’s just a sentence, but it means a lot

To say when you wake up in bed or have your morning coffee, these few words can change everything. And for good reason: they are a simple and effective way to demonstrate his curiosity, admiration and interest towards his other half. In short, everything a couple needs to survive the passage of time!

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It’s just a sentence, but it does a lot. It is an invitation, a trust factorScholars specify before continuing:She says I love you and want to be there for youOf course, to make a difference, this question should not only be asked. The answer should also be listened with interest in return.

For this, it is important to choose the right moment to ask the other: “Do you need something today?“It is essential that partners have a few minutes in front of them in order to promote a good and constructive exchange for the couple over time. If you are short on time, it is also advisable to ask the other how they are feeling today.

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