These feline sisters are breeding all of their 11 kittens to two kittens (VIDEO)

apricot And waffles Two sisters who were abandoned at the orphanage Animal Rescue Harley Hounds Located in United kingdom. Born from the same litter, they grew up and spent their whole lives together. But its owner no longer wanted to keep it and gave it to a loved one. She had agreed to take them in so the cats wouldn’t be given away, but she didn’t really want them. So when I realized they were both pregnant, I preferred to bring them to the shelter.
The births are just a few days away
Two weeks after they arrived at the shelter, the two kittens gave birth a few days later. apricot, the black cat with a small white mustache, is the first to give birth to her young. Then backed up waffles throughout her birth.
When the shelter worker saw it waffles She had two kittens, which she tried to separate from the kittensapricot. but waffles She obviously wanted to stay with her sister with her two youngsters.
” She went to get her children and put them right back into bed with Apricot, then curled up around her. So I think they will share motherhood said the employee, in conveyed words Newsweek.
In fact, once he was born waffles After completion, the mothers took care of their 11 young children together. The woman caring for them made sure that all the children got their dose of colostrum, and then left the mixed family to fend for themselves.
Also read: He pays tribute to his lost cat after 10 years of friendship (video)
@employee The first part of the rescue sisters share their children # Hahaha # the cats #Rescue #sister
Now the mothers are breastfeeding all the kittens in turn. Thus they can rest from time to time.
Once adopted, the kittens will also be neutered and put up for adoption. The shelter wants them to be adopted together.
by Wendy Lunis
network editor
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