These chemicals enhance autistic behavior in a child’s healing practice

These chemicals enhance autistic behavior in a child’s healing practice

Exposure to chemicals during pregnancy affects the offspring

The pollutants that a woman is exposed to during pregnancy are known to be harmful to the offspring. According to a recent study, this also applies to many minerals and chemicals used in everyday products.

High levels of some pollutants in the blood of pregnant women have been linked to autistic behavior in preschoolers, the Canadian research team at Simon Fraser University reported in its latest study results. And published in the specialized magazine.American Journal of Epidemiology“.

Examine blood and urine samples

In the population study, researchers led by Josh de Alambe of Simon Fraser University first measured the levels of 25 chemicals in blood and urine samples from 1861 Canadian women during their first trimester of pregnancy, including minerals, pesticides, PCBs, and phthalates. And bisphenols. A-and triclosan.

Follow-up examination in preschool age

A follow-up examination was performed for the children of 478 participants of preschool age, in which an assessment of autistic-like behavior was performed using a so-called Social Response Scale (SRS).

Autistic-like behaviors

Upon reviewing the data, the researchers found that high concentrations of lead, cadmium and most of the phthalate metabolites in blood or urine samples were associated with increased SRS scores, indicating autistic-like behaviors.

Investigate the effects on brain development

The study results highlight the relationship between selected environmental toxins and increased SRS values, and now “more studies are needed to understand the links and effects of these environmental chemicals on brain development during pregnancy,” says lead author Josh D. Alampi.

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IQ also decreases

In a previous study by researchers from Icahn Medical School at Mount Sinai (USA) and University of Karlstad (Sweden), it was already found that high exposure to certain chemicals during pregnancy also affects the IQ (IQ) of children in old age. Seven years (see: Pregnancy: Consumer goods chemicals harm children’s intelligence).

Bisphenol F (BPF), as well as chlorpyrifos, polyfluorinated alkyl compounds, triclosan and phthalates were particularly harmful to children’s IQ.

More stringent regulations are needed

In general, more and more studies indicate that contact with various contaminants circulating during pregnancy can impair a baby’s brain development and thus threaten lifelong consequences for offspring. Therefore, it appears that there is an urgent need for more stringent regulation of the use of these chemicals. (fp)

Author and source information

This text complies with the requirements of the specialized medical literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been examined by medical professionals.


  • Joshua de Alambe, Bruce B. Lanver, Joseph M Brown, Ayman Chen, Tim K. Takaro, Jenna Mockell, Ty-E Arbuckle, Lawrence C. McCandless: Pregnancy Exposure to Toxic Substances and Autistic Behavior Using Bayesian Quantitative Regression; In: The American Journal of Epidemiology (veröffentlicht 03/29/2021),
  • Simon Fraser University: Mothers’ exposure to environmental chemicals associated with autism-like behaviors in children (veröffentlicht 30.03.

important note:
This article is for general guidance only and is not intended to be used for self-diagnosis or self-medication. He cannot replace a visit to the doctor.

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