The US Congress will not vote to aid Kiev before 2024

The US Congress will not vote to aid Kiev before 2024

The US Congress will not vote on aid to Ukraine before 2024

US Senate leaders indicated on Tuesday that the United States would not adopt an aid envelope worth $61 billion for Ukraine, which Kiev and the White House had insisted on, by the end of 2023.

“Negotiators are still working on some issues and we hope their efforts will allow the Senate to move quickly on them [cette rallonge]“Early next year.”Democrat Chuck Schumer and Republican Mitch McConnell said in a joint statement.

However, Congress’s failure to vote for this envelope does not signal the end of US support for Kiev. American parliamentarians will return to schools on January 8, and the Republican and Democratic leaders in the Senate have only announced their intention to ratify this circumstance, which includes a military, humanitarian, and overall economic component.

In the House of Representatives, which must also approve these funds, things get complicated. Its new president, Republican Mike Johnson, is not opposed, in principle, to expanding the scope of American aid, but he claims that this aid is not sufficiently organized.

“What the Biden administration seems to want is billions of additional dollars without adequate oversight, and without any real strategy to achieve victory.”This was confirmed after his meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in mid-December. The Conservative Speaker also has to contend with the hard right in his party – parliamentarians who no longer want to send a dime to Ukraine. These elected officials, close to former President Donald Trump, fired the last speaker just a few months ago, accusing him of, among other things, reaching a deal. “secret agreement” On Ukraine with the Democrats.

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