The United States approves the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Türkiye

The United States approves the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Türkiye

The sale stipulates that Turkey will receive 40 new aircraft and Greece will receive 40 F-35 aircraft.


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An F-16 fighter jet in Norway, January 3, 2024. (JAN LANGHAUG / AFP)

It is the end of months of negotiations. The US government gave the green light, on Friday, January 26, to sell F-16 fighter jets to Turkey, after Ankara ratified Sweden’s membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The value of the operation: 23 billion dollars (21.2 billion euros).

The Foreign Ministry said, in detail, that the deal stipulates that Turkey will receive 40 new F-16 aircraft and Greece 40 F-35 aircraft, worth $8 billion (7.36 billion euros). The latter formally notified Congress of this double sale late Friday afternoon, as required by US law.

NATO's central issue in the agreement

The United States waited for Turkey's ratification documents for Sweden's membership in NATO to be deposited in Washington, said a US official who spoke on condition of anonymity, demonstrating the sensitive nature of the negotiations that prevailed in this agreement. As depositaries of the North Atlantic Treaty, all instruments of ratification must be deposited in the Federal Capital, which will host a summit in July to celebrate the 75th anniversary of NATO.

US law also requires Congress to be notified of any sale of US weapons to a foreign government.

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