The trailer sandwich has been recreated, here’s the recipe –

The trailer sandwich has been recreated, here’s the recipe –

It was one of the most anticipated announcements at E3 2021 starfield Fortunately, the audience was not disappointed. Yes, there was no room to play, but with a year and a half left, there would definitely be a way to see it many times over. However, the most important thing is the details of the movie: File sandwich. The Bethesda Space Sandwich has been enjoyed online and recreated by Victoria Rosenthal. Here it is Recipe.

Victoria Rosenthal He runs a site called dot provisions It recreates the foods that video game characters eat. She is also the author of multiple cookbooks, including the official ones from Street Fighter, Destiny, and Fallout. So let’s talk about a subject matter expert who didn’t miss the chance to recreate the Starfield sandwich featured in the trailer.

Here is a recreated Starfield sandwich
Here is a recreated Starfield sandwich

The Recipe It is also less simple than expected, as it is not enough to put two ingredients in the middle of the bread. The Starfield sandwich, according to Rosenthal, should be made with sliced ​​bread, lettuce, cheddar cheese, sliced ​​salami, and a sauce consisting of Dijon mustard, radish and leftover red onion soaked in hot water, rice vinegar, sugar, salt and fennel seeds (at least half an hour). For the exact proportions, you can refer to the link above.

It’s a delicious recipe that’s perfect for embarking on a journey to the stars. starfieldWe remind you, it will arrive on 11/11/22, or 11 years after Skyrim. We also know that Starfield is very big and will last a long time, it derives some characteristics from Skyrim.

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