The Swedish presidency of the European Union means common ground, and Canada and Australia are restoring tests for travellers

The Swedish presidency of the European Union means common ground, and Canada and Australia are restoring tests for travellers

A passenger on a flight arriving from Beijing listens for instructions from the Spanish Civil Guard, Saturday December 31, 2022, at Madrid Airport.

On Wednesday, January 4, the European Union member states are set to discuss a joint response to be adopted with regard to travelers arriving from China, where the COVID-19 epidemic appears to be out of control, which was announced on Saturday, December 31, 2022. Sweden, which insures from 1Verse January, the EU Presidency every six months.

“Sweden is seeking a common policy for the whole of the European Union when it comes to the possibility of introducing entry restrictions”The Swedish government said in a statement.

Read also: The material is reserved for our subscribers COVID-19: Europe without a common strategy for travelers from China

Stockholm said it decided to activate the IPCR, a tool that enables the Council of the European Union to respond quickly politically in crisis situations. “It is important that we take action quickly.”said the same source.

Possible new variants

As Beijing abruptly ended its strict zero Covid policy, which led to the spread of infection in the country, France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom, in unison with the United States or even South Korea, This week I decided to mandate a Covid test for travelers arriving from China.

Read also: The material is reserved for our subscribers From zero covid to the sudden lifting of restrictions, three years of sudden health management by China

Most recently, Australia announced on Sunday that it will require negative tests for Covid-19 on travelers from China, quoting A “lack of complete information” From Beijing on the country’s pollution wave. This measure, which will take effect on January 5, aims to “To protect Australia from the risk of new potential variants emerging” And the “Due to the rapidly changing situation in China”said Health Minister Mark Butler.

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A few hours earlier on Saturday, Canada announced that it would also need to be tested. Travelers will have to present a negative test taken less than 48 hours ago when boarding a flight in China, according to a press release from the Canadian government.

Because of the lack of epidemiological data.

According to Ottawa, the action has been taken “Responding to the Covid-19 outbreak in the People’s Republic of China and due to the limited available epidemiological and genome sequencing data on these cases”. It will enter into force on January 5 and will be re-evaluated thirty days later.

The Canadian government has also said it will test all sewage from international flights landing in Toronto and Vancouver to monitor for any new variants.

Read also: The material is reserved for our subscribers Asia, between caution and eagerness for the return of Chinese tourists

“A new stage,” according to Xi Jinping

Despite the catastrophic epidemic situation in China, Chinese President Xi Jinping, in his televised New Year’s address on Saturday, said that ‘The light of hope is ahead’Prevention and control of epidemics “new stage”.

This is the Beijing strongman’s second comment on the outbreak this week. On Monday, Mr. Xi called for measures “Effectively protect the lives of residents”.

In Taiwan, in a peaceful speech, President Tsai Ing-wen declared that the Taiwanese are as well “Ready to provide the necessary assistance based on humanitarian concerns.” in beijing, “as long as there is a need”. The Chair added that she hoped her Government would be able to do so “Help more people get out of the epidemic and enjoy a safe new year”.

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