The successful author regrets the lack of Afro-Latino representation

The successful author regrets the lack of Afro-Latino representation

music movie

New York (AFP) – Broadway star Lin-Manuel Miranda has apologized for the fact that fair-skinned people are playing in his new musical, “In The Heights”.

“I see the debate about the representation of Afro-Latinos in our film,” the 41-year-old, who himself is Puerto Rican and grew up in Washington Heights, a New York neighborhood, wrote on Twitter. “In trying to paint a mosaic of this community, we failed. I really regret it.”

Miranda wrote that in the reactions, he experienced the pain and frustration of people who did not see each other and, above all, felt unrepresented in the lead roles. “I promise I will do better in my future projects.”

“In the Heights” was Miranda’s first Broadway musical, and won several awards. Then the 41-year-old celebrated a huge success once again with another music, “Hamilton”. The movie version of “In The Heights” premiered at the New York Tribeca Film Festival at the beginning of June and will also be released in German cinemas at the end of July.

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READ  The successful author regrets the lack of Afro-Latino representation

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