The story of Le Figaro’s special correspondent

The story of Le Figaro’s special correspondent

reporting – The recovery of this city, the last Russian victory, has a symbolic interest. It would also open the way to Donbass and demoralize the enemy.

Gary’s brown eyes, 23, leave indifferent at the mention of the Battle of Bakhmut. He had only been out of the trenches for two days, and was due back two days later. Its unit is 23H The Ukrainian brigade was among the last to be evacuated when the city fell to Russian Wagner mercenaries on 20 May. “Hell was there He said, staring off into space again, looking for a cigarette to light. None of his companions had been on vacation for a year.

I celebrated my birthday with young people … and RussiansGary smiles, a stranger to artillery fire, darting from the heights of Jasiv Yar (south Bakhmut) covering his voice. “They surrounded our position, but we pushed them back. And they took a huge toll, it was my greatest birthday gift… We’ve had a lot of losses. before liking Since the counterattack . Russians have learned from their mistakes and know how…

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