The space of social life begins to think of Puntilla Nils

The space of social life begins to think of Puntilla Nils

The Rural Foyer Steering Committee, Adoption of Social Living Space, met with its Board of Directors* meeting.

On this occasion, a presentation was broadcast, supported by a slide show, in order to provide an update on the actions implemented in 2022, on the files sent to CAF for renewal of approval, and to assist in the investment in buildings and operating equipment.

He started thinking about the social project for the next four years by creating a suggestion box for specific actions. This busy morning ended with a friendly buffet where everyone could enjoy the exhibition presented on the open day.

* We can note the presence of Frank Dadez, Mayor, Steve Guinbeer and Quentin Martinez, Foer Rural Co-chairs, Lucy Bowden, Associate in Charge of Associations, Therese Adoy, Vice President of CCAS, Anne-Sophie Piot, CAF Technical Advisor, Etienette Montanant, SDJES Technical Advisor, Anim’actions jeunes board members, Audrey Debaker, representatives of FDFR 66 and Sylvie Tillad, EVS Coordinator Not to mention the digital advisor and citizens of services as well as the many volunteers.
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