The sounds of Cairns fill the expanse of the wild Quiberon Coast – Ouray

The sounds of Cairns fill the expanse of the wild Quiberon Coast – Ouray

Eight elbows dot the gray rocks of the wild coast like a priest. In the center of the circle, Frank Rossi plays a white audition voice. Purpose: to recreate the acoustics of an outdoor concert hall. “Each piece will be performed in its own space. Once you determine the correct position of the speakers, we optimize the intensity. It’s not just amplifying the sound, it’s reproducing the sound of an outdoor room!” Hat and headphone are outside to avoid the wind. All the outdoor know-how. To prepare For Cairns Voices concerts, Frank Rossi adapts to all environments to recreate the audio material in his space.

Outdoor “staging”

Classical music is generally not amplified. During amplification, the musician no longer controls the presentation of his instrument. “It is essential to know the instrument and the piece before sounding. You can quickly distort the sound and create distrust. During my first recording of bass, the bassoon did not recognize its music, for example,” says Frank Rossi. Classical musicians usually balance themselves with the acoustics in the halls. In the open air, they no longer have a point of reference and the work is built on mutual trust. The successful adaptation lies largely in the bond between the artists and the “voice director”.

Frank Rossi and Edward Brown listen to cairns to tune in to spatial sound, at Gray Rocks on the Wild Coast
Frank Rossi and Edward Brun listen to the sounds of cairns to tune into my two places of sound, at Roch Graces on the Wild Coast, in Quiberon. (Telegram / Neige Gilbert)

Adjustments and feelings

Knowing the relationship between things is essential to personalizing the sound. “In rock, musicians are accustomed to amplification but not to classical music. Every feeling becomes extremely important. You don’t hear the difference, it’s subtle details but you can feel it.” Frank Rossi toured the world with Pascal Gallois, Technical Director Cairns sounds The famous composer Pierre Boulez. At that time, 24 tons of material. Nowadays, technology makes it possible to take studios abroad. “We bring indoor artists to the outdoors and give a pedestrian show,” concludes Pascal Galois. Size, sound and fun. The sounds of cairns take you through time and space.

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Free entry except for Locmariaquer: Tuesday 3 August 2021 at 6 pm in Erdeven, Alignements de Kerzérho. Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 3 p.m. Megaliths of Locmariaquer – Center for National Monuments. Thursday, August 5, 2021 at 9 p.m. Locmaracre Church. Friday, August 6, 2021 at 6 p.m. Saint-Pierre Quiberon, Alignements de Kerbourgnec.

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