The small museum should see the light of day on the moon, an unprecedented initiative

The small museum should see the light of day on the moon, an unprecedented initiative

After space tourism, lunar art. le Figaro Reports indicate that a museum, or small gallery depending on one’s interpretations, will be transported and docked on the Moon, via the International Space Station (ISS) and the Cygnus NG-17 spacecraft, in February 2022. The Moon Foundation exhibit is at the origin of the project, jointly created between European Space Agency (ESA) and Leiden University, in the Netherlands. The museum is very small, eight centimeters wide. Each work should not exceed one centimeter. In all, 64 works will be represented in special funds provided for this purpose, daily details.

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Organizers are already on their minds about the future expansion of the museum in 2025, increasing to 100 works and expanding ten centimeters. Nothing is left to chance in this crazy and wonderful project. The idea is to combine art and science. “The issue of weight, like mass and volume, is critical. The heavier or bulkier the object, the more complex, and costly, transportation in space,” develops regulation in the Figaro columns.

Such a project is unprecedented in its permanent nature. The media is remembering the story of the Apollo 12 mission that carried a small ceramic slab, bearing designs by artists such as Andy Warhol. NASA did not give its consent. This time around, the museum will continue with the idea of ​​”spreading values ​​into the universe” and creating a “cultural dialogue for humanity beyond our planet,” the Moon Foundation exhibit answers.

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By the artists, they come from all over the world, with dozens of countries represented. France is no exception: Benjamin Potheer honors Yves Klein and IKB 3 monochrome blue with a sculpture. Italian Renzo Pasquale celebrates Galileo with a work titled Gold Cube. Daniel Michalik, the German artist, will stock a glass vial, a sample of fresh air. It should be noted that the artists will have to pay between 500 and 3000 euros for their show.

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