The setup was already revealed in Mexico in the Xbox Series X trailer?  –

The setup was already revealed in Mexico in the Xbox Series X trailer? –

Forza Horizon 5 It hasn’t been announced yet but the rumors about it are already following each other, with a recent back trend that wantsSettings From the game indicated MexicoWhich some believe would have happened It was unveiled months ago, Precisely from the first Xbox Series X presentation.

This is clearly a theory that enthusiasts have put together, but the idea isn’t exactly crazy, considering we’ve seen rumors with less solid foundations. According to a line of thought also supported by many journalists and insiders, Forza Horizon 5 should be presented at E3 2021, although Microsoft hasn’t mentioned its existence yet.

Other sources, including the Inevitable Jeff Group, argue that the Forza Horizon 5 setting must be Mexico, which can provide a very interesting foundation Open world racing game From Playground Games, while also considering the variety of scenarios that the Central American nation has to offer.

Possible confirmations of the new preparation have surfaced in recent days, but always as a somewhat weak evidence, including this new interpretation which is very cool, because it relies on Video We’ve all seen it before.

If true, then Microsoft would have given us a look at Forza Horizon 5 ahead of time More than a yearWithout realizing it: Generacion Xbox, the popular Xbox Xbox X. (Above), which was shown as a surprise during the 2020 Game Awards, will contain a direct reference to Forza Horizon 5 in Mexico in the video segment from the minute 0:40 to 0:50.

Indeed, in those seconds we see aloe vera, a rocky desert and then mountains, which could all be typical features of Mexico. This does not mean, of course, that these are gameplay scenes, but that being a “concept trailer” may contain a suggestion indicating the game is already in development, because if Forza Horizon 5 was actually introduced next month, that means it was Already under development At that time, at least in the initial stages. In short, all this is just a rumor but the idea that the game may have been “hidden” all this time but in sunlight is definitely cool.

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