the pictures.  “I get up every morning to look at it.” Comet Nishimura crosses the sky and stuns enthusiasts

the pictures. “I get up every morning to look at it.” Comet Nishimura crosses the sky and stuns enthusiasts

This is an event not to be missed. And it will not pass over our heads again until after 437 years! Comet Nishimura, discovered this summer, is visible to the naked eye all weekend of September 9-10, 2023. A sight that amazes all curious people.

“With the naked eye, from my window, I see the green line, but also the orange-yellow comet.” For three days, he saw all the colors. In Luxeuil-lès-Bains (Haute-Saône), Denis Gachot gets up every morning at dawn so he never misses a show. This 73-year-old retired agricultural engineer, when he got out of bed, was surprised by the plant that scientists had named C/2023, p. 1.

But everyone now simply calls it “Nishimura” after the amateur Japanese astronomer who discovered it on August 12, 2023. The rocky and icy orb is currently heading towards the sun, and was expected to shine at its maximum. This weekend of September 9-10, 2023.

I saw it for the first time on Friday, and immediately saw that it was not a plane. Again this morning, I saw her cross my window sill from exactly 6:22 am to 6:28 am. It was great! I actually saw the Northern Lights in Norway, and I felt the same way!

Denis Gachot, Luxewel-les-Bains (Hot Saun).

But he is not the only one who marveled at this gift from heaven. Others took out the big guns and fixed big telephoto lenses on their cameras to immortalize the event. With amazing results.

“It is rare for a comet to be detected so soon before its peak of clairvoyance. Most are discovered months or even years before their closest passage of the Sun.” He explained to AFP Nicolas Biver is a researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research at the Paris Observatory.

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The world indicates that this comet has a long orbit with a last passage near the sun dating back 437 years. However, no trace of the recent passage of this icy visitor has been found in astronomical archives, the astrophysicist specifies.

“His next visit will be in 500 years, so it’s time to take a picture of him.” He was tagged with Clément Soulier aka Tat’änes on the X-former Twitter. He took a whole series of photos on Wednesday from his home in Saint-Brix (Saône-et-Loire). “happy with the result”He congratulates himself on the social network where he shared his photos.

“I got up at four in the morning, put the telescope in my bag and walked fifteen minutes to the observation deck. It was very difficult to see this comet this week.This 38-year-old lecturer-guide is entrusted to France 3 Franche-Comté. “Only at the end of the night and very close to the eastern horizon.”

Once the first rays of sunlight arrived, they were difficult to distinguish. It will be more difficult or even impossible in the coming days because it will be so low in the sky and lost in the glare of dawn.

Clément Soulier, future extension lecturer at Morvan.

The comet has also sparked a lot of interest in neighboring Switzerland where it was fully visible on Saturday, September 9, 2023.

All over the world, photographers are having a good time now, like Anthony Bourre from Nancy who got up very early on a Friday morning to capture this wonderful series of shots from the summit of Hohennecke in Alsace.

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Even if the perfect observation window would close very quickly, and even if it became less bright, it would still be possible to see it in the coming days.“It is best to look at the sky before sunrise (around 6 am in France), looking to the northeast to the left of Venus (known as the evening star), in a clear sky without light pollution.”, Advise Nicola Beaver.

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