The next solar eclipse will also appear from Italy.  Date and favorite regions to consider »

The next solar eclipse will also appear from Italy. Date and favorite regions to consider »

The next solar eclipse will also appear from Italy. Date and preferred regions to account for this

A partial solar eclipse is comingA partial solar eclipse is comingMake a note of this date: Thursday, June 10.
On this day there will be a fileSolar eclipse Which will be total in some parts of the world (Canada, Greenland, Russia) e Partial in Italy.
Let’s try to understand what an eclipse is.

He is famous Optical phenomenon, Seen from the earth, so that all or part of the solar disk is darkened by the moon that occurs during the new moon. It A very rare eventIt must be the sun, the moon and the earth Align perfectly in this order; This is possible only when the moon, whose orbit is tilted by five degrees relative to the ecliptic, intersects the latter at a point called a node. When the node is between the earth and the sun, the moon’s shadow passes at some point of the earth’s surface and we witness a solar eclipse. On the other hand, if the node is on the other side, then there is a lunar eclipse.

On June 10 in some regions of Italy, you can see a small solar eclipse: In fact our star will be darkened From 10-12%, A little bit.
As shown in the attached map All northern regions And part of those Center Will be able Watch this phenomenon. In the center, all the provinces of Tuscany will be able to see, in Umbria, a large part of Perugia, Ancona, Macerata and Pesaro in the Marche. Rather, it will be invisible to the rest of Italy.

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Start time. Depending on which city we live in (remember that those who live further north will see the solar disk cover a little more) the date varies and starts from 9.28 in Aosta to 10.07 in Ancona.

Attention. It shouldn’t be Never look directly at the sun In your device (camera, smartphone, telescope or telescope), if it is not sufficiently protected by special filters. You can encounter Permanent damage to eyesight.

Eclipse visibility areasEclipse visibility areas

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