The National Medal of Merit is by Audrey Dossottur, a scholar of “point”.

The National Medal of Merit is by Audrey Dossottur, a scholar of “point”.

Toulouse researcher Audrey Dossottur, originally from Aveyron, was awarded the National Order of Merit. A great bonus for this CNRS biologist who has made a unicellular organism, “blob”, a star for science and knowledge transfer. This summer, his bubble will join Thomas Pesquet on the International Space Station for a science experiment.

But how far will the point take? C’est un peu ce que se demande, ravie, Audrey Dussutour, directrice de recherche au CNRS au Center de Recherches sur la Cognition Animale (1) qui vient d’être nommée chevalier dans l’ordre national du Mérite par décret du Président de The Republic. Frederic Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, wrote to a scientist from Vegaite: “This honorary honor that I wanted to give to you rewards your sincere commitment to serving France. It is the culmination of your dedication and your wonderful career.” , Valady municipality.

“I got this message yesterday (Thursday May 21, Editor’s Note), It was a great surprise and it took a long time to come to it. I’m in the same promotion as the founder of Covid Tracker … Thank you blob! Step! With the point, you’ll never get bored,” Audrey Dossoutor, who has been working since 2008 on Physarum polycephalum, is a yellow and sticky single-celled organism from the class of mycobacteria. While studying his remarkable behavior, lessons emerge that he can perform while he is emptied of his nervous system.

The point in a book, the point in space …

But, above all, the ‘blob’ makes a great promotion tool. In schools, retirement homes and prisons, Audrey Dossutor tells the story of the living world through the prism of a bright yellow, timeless in the laboratory, found in bushes for hundreds of millions of years. After selling a book in tens of thousands of copies (“Everything you’ve always wanted to know is about the point without daring to put it up”), a documentary directed by Jack Mitch, which has been crowned with numerous international awards, Audrey Dossautour’s film continues its way.

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This summer, he joined astronaut Thomas Pesquet at the International Space Station (ISS) to conduct a parallel science experiment with thousands of students thanks to the support of the CNES (National Center for Space Studies). “I think this spatial news about the point and my commitment to schools played a big part in the distinction that I get. I am delighted for all the students who will be able to study the point, we have received 4,800 applications from classes from all over France!” For this experience, Audrey Dossautor worked with Comat, Flourens-based in Haute-Garonne, to develop a fund that protects the point from which it cannot escape.

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