The National Center for Scientific Research celebrates science at Exploradôme

The National Center for Scientific Research celebrates science at Exploradôme

As part of the Science Festival 2023, the National Center for Scientific Research will take over the spaces of Exploradôme, a museum of scientific and technical culture where non-touching is prohibited, to offer you an afternoon of workshops and meetings on the theme “Sports and Science”!

Workshops, manipulations and demonstrations: Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of sports and research with CNRS scientists, on Saturday 14 October from 2pm to 6pm at the Exploradôme.

On the occasion of La Fête de la Science 2023, the National Center for Scientific Research, the largest French public organization for scientific research, collaborates with Exploradôme for an afternoon of proceedings and mediation on the theme “Sports and Science”. This event invites you to discover scientific research and innovation in the sporting environment, and its unexpected aspects.
Come discover, experiment, and investigate with a variety of devices to introduce you to scientific thinking.

In the workshop program from the age of 6 years:

  • Digital modeling (Register on the site)
    By creating a virtual bone model, discover how exercise affects bone structure!
  • Breco Lab Sports Entry is free and seats are limited)
    Distance or height, meet the challenges of the Olympic Games by creating a machine capable of making extraordinary jumps!
  • Science Tower Entry is free and seats are limited)
    Magic game? No science! And this is not rocket science: come and measure the height of your jump or race with the light!
  • Mysterious object Free entry (several sessions running from 2pm to 6pm)
    Scientists lift the veil on their research and show you their everyday stuff in the laboratory!
  • Who are you ? Free entry (subject to availability, several running sessions from 2pm to 6pm)
    From the formation of Mars to the impact of exercise on health, our scientists discuss their work with you!

Read also: Interview with Marion LeCourgellet, 31 years old, the second woman to receive the L’Oréal-UNESCO Young Talent Prize for Women and Science. On the occasion of the Science Festival, this researcher in epidemiology at Inserm explains at the Paul Bros Hospital site in Villejuif her interest in this specialty.

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