The Ministry of National Education reveals the exams calendar

The Ministry of National Education reveals the exams calendar

Candidates for the General and Technological Baccalaureate will work on philosophy on June 15th. However, the first tests will begin in March.

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Scheduled launch in March. On Thursday, September 30, the Ministries of National Education and Higher Education published the dates of the baccalaureate 2022, with the aim of Giving insight to students and their families. General and Technological Series, exams for the two specialty courses will take place from March 14-16, Philosophy on June 15 and Oral Speech between June 20 and July 1. The professional baccalaureate exams will take place between 23 May and 24 June.

On the Parcoursup side, the registration stages will begin on January 20th until March 29th for wish-making. The deadline to confirm promises is April 7. “Les ministères ont souhaité assurer la cohérence et la complémentarité du calendrier des épreuves terminales du baccalauréat avec celui de la procédure Parcoursup, de manière à permettre aux équipes educatives éducatives ‘lère de l’éducatives élère aux” Academic year”According to a joint statement.

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