The majority of lizards and snakes disappeared in Guadeloupe after colonization

The majority of lizards and snakes disappeared in Guadeloupe after colonization

A new study published in the journal Science Advances Uses fossil data to study the past reptilian biodiversity evolution of the Guadeloupe Archipelago. The results show the great stability of this Biodiversity (Biodiversity is the natural diversity of living organisms. It is appreciated …) Before European colonizationThe archipelago (The archipelago is a group of islands relatively close to each other. Proximity …) On the seventeenthe century (The century is now a period of a hundred years. The word comes from the Latin saeculum, i, which …), Colonization that will result in the disappearance of between 50 and 70% of local reptiles in relation to agricultural practices and the introduction of new predators (ferret, cat).

The biodiversity of snakes and lizards evolved in the Guadeloupe Archipelago during time (Time is a concept that humans have developed to understand …) Show thSpecies extinction (In biology and ecology, extinction is the complete disappearance of a species or group of …) Native species and their replacement by newly introduced varieties in the modern era.
Credit: Corentin Bochaton

Study the impact of human activities onEnvironment (The environment is all around us. It is the collection of natural elements and …) Recently resulted Definition of (A definition is a letter that says what the thing is or what the name means. Hence …) For a new geological era, the Anthropocene, where humans are the main players in climate change and the environment. One of the manifestations of these phenomena is the erosion of our animal biodiversity planet (A planet is a celestial body orbiting the sun or another star from …) Currently undergoing. This crisisextinction (In general, the word extinction denotes a verb consisting in extinguishing some …) It is a phenomenon that may have started several hundreds or even thousands of years ago, perhaps with the emergence of societies practicing agriculture.

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However, scientific knowledge regarding the evolution of terrestrial biodiversity over time, remains very limited, as studies are scarce and generally focus on large animals. Vertebrates (Vertebrates form a sub-division of the animal kingdom. This is a classification, which is in …) And mammals. On the other hand, the Air (Iris (Spanish, Air) is the domestic airline of Colombia.) Tropical plants, which are home to most of our planet’s biodiversity, are currently the least studied.

50-70% of Guadeloupe’s lizards and snakes have become extinct since the 17th century.

A new study takes an opposite view of these trends by documenting the evolution of reptilian biodiversity in the Guadeloupe Archipelago in relation to the successive colonization of these islands by American and European Indian populations. This work was participated by scientists from prehistoric times to current laboratories in particular: civilization (UNESCO’s definition of culture is as follows [1] 🙂PACEA, Environment and Anthropology CNRS (The National Center for Scientific Research, known by the acronym CNRS, is the largest …) / University. Bordeaux / Ministry of Culture), Archaeozoology, Archaeobotany: Societies, practices and environments (AASPE – CNRS / MNHN), fromInstitute (The institute is a permanent organization created with a specific purpose. It is …) from systematic (In the life sciences and natural history, systematics is the science of …), Evolution, Biodiversity (ISYEB-CNRS / Sorbonne (The Sorbonne is a huge complex in the Latin Quarter in Paris. It takes its name from …) University (The university is an institution of higher education whose goal is …) / MNHN / EPHE) and the Institute for Evolutionary Sciences in Montpellier (ISEM – CNRS / Univ. Montpellier / IRD), take into account 43,000 reptile bones discovered in archaeological sites and fossils in the Guadeloupe archipelago and show that between 50 and 70% of lizards and snakes are on the islands Guadeloupe has become extinct since the 17th century.e century.

This massive loss of biodiversity from the colonial period highlights the great stability of reptile biodiversity during earlier periods, although climate change and colonization of the Amerindian population had little impact on the environment. The results obtained also allow new connections to be established: a relationship between reptile size and patterns Life (Life is the given name 🙂 And the chances of their extinction, and one between the extinction of reptiles and post-colonial agricultural practices and the role of predators introduced in the colonial era such as conversation (The domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) is a carnivorous mammal of the family …) And the Indian ferret.

Dental bones (lower jaw) of various species of lizards identified in fossil materials from the Guadeloupe Archipelago.
Credit: Corentin Bochaton

This new post confirms that no consideration data (In IT, data is a basic description, often …) Fossils have the potential to underestimate human influence on biodiversity on a global scale. This work also demonstrates that the design of biodiversity conservation strategies is likely to build on data provided from studies on ancient biodiversity, approaches that are still underdeveloped in Globalism (The word can mean world 🙂 Tropics, whose biological diversity is currently considered the most endangered.

Scientists who have contributed to this study come from laboratories from prehistoric times to the present: culture, environment and anthropology (PACEA – CNRS / Purdue University / Ministry of Culture), Archeology and Archeology: Societies, practices and environments (AASPE – CNRS / MNHN), from Institute for Systems, Evolution and Biodiversity (ISYEB – CNRS / Sorbonne / MNHN / EPHE) and Institute for Evolutionary Sciences of Montpellier (ISEM – CNRS / University of Montpellier / IRD).

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Bochaton C., E. Paradis, S. Bailon, S. Grouard, I. Ineich, A. Lenoble, O. Lorvelec, A. Tresset et N. Boivin, 2021. Large-scale Reptiles (Reptiles (reptiles in Latin) are a vertebrate, in general …) Extinction after the European colonization of the Guadeloupe Islands. Science Advances.

Corentin Bochaton – From Prehistory to Today: Culture, Environment and Anthropology (PACEA – CNRS / Purdue University (This page is dedicated to PRES University in Bordeaux. For pages located on …) / Ministry of Culture) – corentin.bochaton at
– Anne Cecil Boudry Goffin – Telecommunications (Communication is important to humans as well (communication within the psyche, interpersonal communication, …) – From prehistoric times to the present: Culture, Environment and Anthropology (PACEA – National Center for Scientific Research / Purdue University / Ministry of Culture) – Anne Cecil Goffin at

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