The hypothetical path to right-wing violence: Weyher Trafo invites you to a regional conference – Rundschau: current news

The hypothetical path to right-wing violence: Weyher Trafo invites you to a regional conference – Rundschau: current news

The hypothetical path to right-wing violence: Weyher Trafo invites you to a regional conference – Rundschau: current news

The book was presented by Andreas Speett as well as event mentor Lars Thien (left) and youth worker Carsten Platt. (Mike Blagenburg)

An online event organized by the Trafo Kirchwehr Youth Center is how violence is moving from virtual online games to reality. This is the first completely digital movie in the “Become Louder” series, which has been dealing with far-right developments for several years, says Transformer teacher Lars Thein. In terms of content, the theme will be designed on the basis of the book “The Right to Fire – From Hypothetical Thriller to Outright Assassination”, published by specialist journalist Andreas Speet. He himself will attend the online conference on Wednesday, March 31, and explain how extremism and attacks could eventually happen.

Among other things, the book revolves around the relatively recent event in Halle an der Saal in October 2019, when the armed right-wing extremist Stefan B. The attempt to access with bullets and IEDs failed. Two people were killed while committing the crime and two others were injured while trying to escape. He had posted his video camera acting on the PC game video portal, according to a description of the book published by Ch. Links Verlag. “He was imitating others” first-person shooting “- like a right-wing extremist who had broadcast the 51 deaths live on the Internet in New Zealand a few months ago.”

“You can draw a line from Brevik in 2011 to Christchurch,” Thin says of the man who at that time killed 77 people in Oslo, Norway, on the island of Utoya and the aforementioned case in New Zealand. “Killers lived in virtual worlds.” And they were racist and anti-Semitic at times. In some cases, it is fixed to the gaming scene. Haley’s killer was considered a “loser” because he “killed too few,” as Thin describes. There are “a lot of people who support this” – as a community. This is the basis that makes such attacks possible.

There have been inquiries from young people about this and “it turns out that events can also be organized in other ways,” says Thane, referring to the recent Night of Youth, which in 2020 went out of sequence for several days and is already an online event enrichment. According to Thyen, the new virtual voice program is now aimed at young people as well as adults. Confirm this young factor in Weyhe Carsten Platt. “This can be incredibly exciting for parents too,” he says and talks about “excessive screen time,” especially during times of Corona. The internet world is “a very low-key virtual space that is poorly organized or not at all organized”. “There is a lack of contradiction in the rooms,” says Thane. However, “We don’t want to say the games are far-right,” but certain values ​​are conveyed through conversations and images. “You are in contact with people ideologically,” says Platt.

Young adults from the age of 12 accompanied by an adult can participate in the conference online, otherwise, from the age of 14, according to Thane. Sign up is free. After the book has been presented, there is an opportunity to ask questions and discuss the content presented. Participants must pre-register by March 30th via email with their first and last name on trafo-buehne (at) The corresponding link will then be sent on the day of the event. Technical requirement is stable internet connection and modern web browser. If you want to ask questions, you also need a microphone. Virtual admission starts at 6.45 PM, and begins at 7 PM. Sign up is free.

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More information is available on the Trafo website at Or on our social media channels at and

Organizers reserve the right to take advantage of their rights to digital housing and to provide access to people who belong to far-right parties or organizations, who may be identified in the far-right scene or who have already appeared in the past through racist, nationalist, anti-Semitic or other inhuman statements. , Thyen will finally notify the event to be either rejected or excluded from the event.

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