The French service area has opened and is already running at full speed

The French service area has opened and is already running at full speed

They explained the various services offered to the inhabitants of Thiviers and the surrounding area in their administrative actions, be it Pôle emploi, pension insurance, agricultural social solidarity, Chamber of Agriculture, family benefits, health insurance, over-indebtedness…

1000 requests

Also in this house is a budget advice point with a budget and general finance workshop, post office and personal assistance as well as issuance of ID cards and passports.

The venue is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 12pm and from 1:30pm to 4:30pm. If the answers cannot be provided immediately, an appointment is scheduled with the organization concerned. Since it opened just over three months ago, it has processed more than 1,000 requests, or about 100 requests per week.

Representative Jean-Pierre Coopertavon, Senator Serge Merrillo, Department Counsellor Stéphane Fayol, Périgord Limousine Commune President Michel Ojex, as well as several mayors and elected officials also attended.

“This one-stop shop meets a real need for the residents. It is a modern service with a human face,” said Isabel Heavos, Mayor of Thivers and County Councilor. The representative of the Municipal State congratulated the rapid creation of this space “in spacious and easily accessible spaces.”

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