The first pictures are observing the phenomenon

The first pictures are observing the phenomenon

Solar Eclipse 2021: First pictures, observation of the phenomenon

Solar Eclipse – The Sun, Moon, and Earth align perfectly at midday on Thursday, June 10, 2021, providing a view of a partial solar eclipse in France. The inhabitants of the northwest of France were more inclined to view it correctly than the people of the southeast.

[Mis à jour le 10 juin 2021 à 13h28] The first annular eclipse of 2021, the 16th of the 21st century, was partially noticeable on Monday, June 10 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in France, with a maximum between 11:55 a.m. and 12:20 p.m., depending on your view. The residents of Finistère were the best to enjoy the scenery. The partial solar eclipse was the most visible in BrestAnd the With the solar disk obscured by 17.8%. to me ParisOn the other hand, the solar eclipse was only visible at 13.2% and in Marseille, at Only 2.7%. I got it, rThe longer you live in the south of France, the fewer you will be they were Spoiled for observing a solar eclipse.

Annular solar eclipse, fully visible, swept the planet from Canada to Russia for 3 minutes 51 seconds. Le site . virtual telescope The project offers video surveillance of images taken from Canada:

Did the French have the opportunity to see a thin ring of the sun covered with the black disk of the moon? In France, the eclipse showed the sun obscured by 0.2 to 17.8% of the moon. According to data from the Paris-PSL Observatory reported by Le Parisien:

  • Brest : 17.8% invisibility by the moon
  • Little : 15.9% occultation of the moon
  • Rawan : 15.2% invisibility by the moon
  • Paris : 13.2% invisibility by the moon
  • Toulouse : 5.2% invisibility by the moon
  • Marseille : 2.7% invisibility by the moon
  • Ajaccio : 0.2% occultation of the moon

The next annular eclipse will be fully visible from France on the following dates:

  • November 5, 2059
  • February 27, 2082
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What time did the solar eclipse occur on Thursday, June 10, 2021?

It was partially visible in France 5 hours after sunrise. Max has happened قد Between 11:55 AM – 12:20 PM Depending on where you are in France :

  • Bordeaux : Observable from 11:07 a.m. to 12:54 p.m. max 11 h 58
  • Brest : can be seen From 11 a.m. to 1:06 p.m. max 12 h
  • Nantes : can be seen From 11:04 AM to 1:04 PM max 12 o
  • Rain : Observable from 11:04 a.m. to 1:08 p.m. max 12 h 03
  • Marseille : Observable from 11:27 a.m. to 12:46 p.m. max 12 h 06
  • Little : Observable from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. max 12 o 10
  • leon : Observable from 11:21 a.m. to 1:02 p.m. max 12 o 10
  • Paris : Observable from 11:13 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. max 12 o 12
  • Ajaccio : Observable from 11:52 AM to 12:29 PM max 12 o 10
  • Strasbourg : Observable from 11:26 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. max 12 h 22
  • Toulouse : Observable from 11:13 a.m. to 11:59 a.m. max 12 h 48

What is an annular solar eclipse?

Between partial and total eclipses, annular eclipses occur when the Sun and Moon are perfectly aligned with the Earth but the apparent size of the Moon is slightly smaller than that of the Sun. Then this forms a bright ring surrounding the lunar disk.

A very rare phenomenon, a total solar eclipse will never happen before September 3, 2081 in France… On the other hand, the August 12, 2026, we will be entitled to “European” total solar eclipse, which will cross Iceland and northern Spain, as well as the small northern tip of Portugal. Find out all the dates of the upcoming total solar eclipse in the world, but also partial and annular in France

On December 4, 2021, a complete solar eclipse will pass through Antarctica. But it will only be visible in its full phase from the South Atlantic, near the Antarctic Peninsula. It will be partially visible in the southeast part ofAustralia and others South Africa. This phenomenon will not be repeated in the region for 400 years.

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For 1 minute 54 seconds (1 minute 54.4 seconds to be exact), the Moon will block the Sun, creating a breathtaking spectacle, from 7:00 UTC or 8:00 Paris time. The solar eclipse will not be visible in the sky of France, but we can follow it live on the site It’s on TV.

The last total solar eclipse was observed on December 14, 2020 in South America with 100% accuracy in Argentina and Chile. More precisely, it appeared over the equatorial Pacific from 2:33 pm UTC (3:32 pm Paris time). The maximum solar eclipse occurred at 4:13 pm UTC (5:13 pm KST) over the skies over southern Chile and Patagonia in Argentina. This thirteenth total solar eclipse of the 21st century ended at 5:54 PM UTC (6:54 PM KST) off the coast of Namibia in the South Atlantic.

The eclipse could only be observed in its partial phase, in the following countries: Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, North Antarctica, Angola, Namibia, Botswana, South Africa and French Polynesia in the Gambier archipelago. Despite travel restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus, nearly 300,000 people came to witness the cosmic spectacle. Argentines have been the most fortunate to observe the moon covering the entire solar disk, while in Chile, thick clouds and constant rain prevented viewers from admiring the total solar eclipse.

To observe a solar eclipse with the naked eye, it is necessary to wear special glasses. Conventional sunglasses are not enough to protect the retina. During an eclipse, as the brightness decreases, the pupils tend to dilate. With the sun suddenly reappearing, severe retinal damage can occur. These burns are not painful, so be especially wary of them.

Tricks such as looking at the eclipse through a CD or through smoked glass are not effective. To protect your eyes and make the most of the eclipse, go to the astronomy club where you can observe the eclipse indirectly via projection. The simplest solution: make a small hole in a cardboard box, point it at the sun and note the expected eclipse. Note that glasses that allow you to observe the eclipse without danger are available for about 2 euros. It is also possible to buy it in shopping centers or in stores such as Nature et Découverte, or order it online.

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If you want to enjoy the spectacle of a total solar eclipse in Europe, you will have 2 chances to see one…in 6 years! On August 12, 2026 first, darkness will cover northern Spain and part of Iceland. The following year, on August 2, 2027, the second total eclipse will be visible in the far south of Spain. If you stay in France, you can still enjoy a very beautiful partial eclipse.

French astronomy fans will have to be patient… The next total eclipse that will cross mainland France will happen… in 2081! More precisely on September 3, 2081, it will be followed by a second total eclipse on September 29, 2090. In the meantime, it will still be possible to see the moon partially blocking the sun.

A partial eclipse shows only a portion of the sun that is obscured by the moon. The next partial solar eclipse will occur in France On the following dates:

  • October 25 2022
  • March 29, 2025
  • August 12, 2026

On March 20, 2015, even if the eclipse was not entirely in France, it could be observed widely across the country. France crossed from west to east between 9:11 AM and 11:47 AM. Bayonne was the first city she was able to think of, and the moon’s shadow had finished its course in Strasbourg. Several French astronomical websites have shown events on this occasion, for example Pic du Midi.

What is a solar eclipse? This both strange and wonderful phenomenon occurs when the moon has just set in front of the sun, partially or completely covering it. Then we talk about a partial eclipse or a total eclipse. A solar eclipse can only occur during a new moon, when the moon and sun are in contact with the earth.

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