The first meeting already the capital of the ASM against the Stade Français

The first meeting already the capital of the ASM against the Stade Français

There is nothing more alive than memory. It is not known if Clermontois of ASM knows this quote from Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca but they would be inspiring to think about it considering the start of last season. Remember that by falling at the start of Lyon, and allowing Custer to win by following Michelin, ASM put a heavy burden to bear for an entire year at the end of the summer.

With Paris on its first flight on Saturday afternoon, then welcoming Pau in eight days, Clermont have the chance to kick-start their season. Provided you’ve learned from the past, even if a quarter of the group summoned this Saturday wasn’t there a year ago. This first meeting is also the first scene from Chapter 2 of the Juno Gibbs ASM version. A play we expect much more from than the first act.

1. Gibbs, sophomore year!

A year ago, the New Zealand coach started his first season as an ASM coach after a pre-season period in which he lived in a hurry, with a workforce and recruits he didn’t pick. It is for him today a second exit, perhaps the real beginning of his term.

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“When it comes to starting the season, personally, the feeling is different than last year. Pre-season has been tough. There, it’s more organized and planned and brings more serenity and precision. There will be fewer excuses,” the Claremont coach said this week with a smirk. “.

2. Set already on time?

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New players, a staff expanded by new technicians, the Claremont group must also reflect a new image. With the most efficient rugby, it’s even more fun.

Regarding his staff, Juno Gibbs is currently fairly free. “Everyone has done a great job with the big investment. Everyone has been very clear in their area.

Facing the Stade Français, Jono Gibbes (ASM Clermont) was spoiled for choice for his XV configuration

And salutes the investment of his men. “The players worked really well and in a very good state of mind. The starters also earned their place in the locker room through their efforts. It was important.”

3. A defense to heal

As everyone knows, a successful start to the season means “seizing opportunities, mastering the game, defending and discipline,” recalls Juno Gibbs. But by researching a bit, the New Zealand technician realizes that the Stade Français will command their players special interest in specific sectors.

“I expect to be faced with a very excited team, especially from a rookie (smiling). It will be very physical and Paris will have a very good conquest and warriors in the ranks. We conceded a lot of points last season away from home. We tried to improve it. »

Juno Gibbs (empty)

In addition to defense, expect ASM to be watered profusely by the Paris kick-off. “We are ready to play high balls. Alex (Newsom), Sheikh (Tebergen) and Raca worked on these skills. This aspect will be important, it was already last season.”

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So, the memory is very vivid…the memory of a little Clermont next to her pumps last year under Parisian candles.

Christophe Boron

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