The Earth’s rotation often accelerates, so should the unexplained phenomenon worry?

The Earth’s rotation often accelerates, so should the unexplained phenomenon worry?

While scientists for a long time unanimously agreed that the Earth was spinning at a slower and lower speed, recent readings contradict them …

A day on earth corresponds to 24 hours, or 86,400 seconds. This is the time it takes for the Earth to rotate. But in reality, this is not necessarily reality.

and this is Duration wasn’t always the same over time.

In fact, scientists have proven for many years and after a lot of research that The Earth’s rotation has been decreasing for more than four thousand yearsThis extends the length of the day.

The account proves it Every century, the Earth takes a few milliseconds or more to complete one revolution.

Small duration, but it can be important.

But for some time now a strange phenomenon has reversed the trend.

Speed ​​records have been recorded

Until now 29 June 2022The shortest day It was recorded by the atomic clock.

On that day it’s rotation time Lasted 24 hours minus 1.59 milliseconds. But this is a new record after the one that was set on July 19, 2020 in less than 1.47 milliseconds.

even this 26 July 2022the duration is shortened by 1.50 msAs mentioned time and date.

Actually dFrom day to day, the time it takes the Earth to rotate increases or decreases by a fraction of a millisecond.

What is happening ?

The concern is that Scientists cannot explain this Exactly why this phenomenon acceleration Produce.

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It is true that the difference in the speed of the Earth’s rotation depends on Several factors.

according to ANFRNational Frequency Agency, different routes can be visualized.

Like the structure or density from the earth, and Gravity Effects the moon water movements seas or oceans as well as solid elements such as glaciers, currents….

All this is part of the processes that can affect the rotational speed in Earth.

Chandler hammock

An element could also explain this change in velocity: it’s the Chandler oscillation.

The oscillation of the Earth’s axis of rotation with respect to its surface is different from 3 to 6 meters at the poles. The movement repeats itself about every 433 days, according to the American Geophysical Union Nomirama.

What are the consequences if the phenomenon continues?

If the Earth’s rapid rotation continued, it could introduce the first ever negative leap second, meaning a day would last 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds, not 24 hours.

This will be a problem.

It will then be necessary to add negative leap second to the length of our days, which means our clocks jump by one second, which can cause this to happen Serious problems for computer systems.

But before moving on to less than a second a day, hopefully it will take some time…

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