The Earth’s magnetic north pole is accelerating towards Siberia for the first time!

The Earth’s magnetic north pole is accelerating towards Siberia for the first time!

Explain why the magnetic north pole has finally shifted? Soon, the geographic and magnetic north will align.

the North PoleEveryone knows him. It represents the “highest” place in the world. But there are actually three different Norths. The first, geographical, is the meeting point of the meridians, it does not move. The second, magnetic, moves chaotically. The third, which is maps, does not really exist, it is only used for navigation. it’s a magnetic north that is of interest today, and more specifically its own movement.

Explain why the magnetic north pole has finally shifted?

A study recently published in the journal Nature offers an intriguing theory. According to researchers from the University of Leeds, led by Professor Livermore, the movements of this magnetic north are directly related to the random flow of molten iron into the core of our planet. If this, heavy and stable, moves very little, these rare motions have consequences on a surface Land. According to these experts, a movement of just a few millimeters of iron in the core can translate to several kilometers at the surface.

Discovered in 1830, magnetic north is not perfectly positioned with respect to geographic north, but this difference has long been explained by the Earth’s tilt on itself. Today, this magnetic north lies across Canada and is approaching Siberia more quickly than before. If earlier this displacement was 10 km per year, today it is about 50 km per year. Which, again, has consequences.

Soon, the geographic and magnetic north will align

Obviously, in our everyday life it is imperceptible, except perhaps for sailors. In fact, they are the ones who use compasses, and therefore magnetic north, to find their bearings the most. Since the latter is in line with the geographic north, an offset of one or two degrees no longer makes sense. This should simplify navigation.

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Regarding the birds Immigrants, no problem. these the animals It can feel the motions of the magnetic north. Its displacement is too small to disturb birds in flight. They will find their way once they reach the coasts.

If the motion of magnetic north is not yet fully understood, it is not a total mystery and its trajectory is already known. In a few days, it will cross the other side of the Greenwich meridian before leaving the English coast by 2025, according to the dedicated monitoring organisation, Ordnance Survey.

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