The early riser or the night owl makes the most money?  Science Answers – Grazia

The early riser or the night owl makes the most money? Science Answers – Grazia

More of a team early bird or team night owl? Depending on which camp you’re in, this could affect your income… science says so!

In life, there are two camps: early risers and night owls. We all know that the quality and rhythm of your sleep can have an impact on your mental and physical health. Memory, concentration, anxiety, cardiovascular health, weight, immune system… But there is another question that arises. Can sleep somehow affect someone’s income? This is what researchers from several Finnish research centers tried to discover. That is why a study was conducted and published in August 2023 in the journal Economics and human biology. Explanations.

The specialists relied on the results of another survey, the Northern Finland Birth Cohort in 1966, in which 2,231 men and 2,789 women were interviewed. This study analyzed three aspects of their lives: human capital with level of education, health capital with lifestyle and sleep, and then social capital with levels of trust and prosocial behavior. But in the end, what is the result of their research?

Night owls vs. early risers: who are the winners?

Thus, the data was able to prove that people who go to bed late will receive less salary than those who wake up early. In fact, if they are more active and productive at nightfall, this rhythm has consequences for their health. On the one hand, they engage in much less physical activity, and on the other hand, they tend to smoke and consume more alcohol. The quality of their sleep is also affected, which may cause them some insomnia. According to the researchers, all these observations show a link between income and sleep pattern. The fact that these participants have professional lives with irregular hours may also play a role in this finding.

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