The concept of open science is gaining momentum – LiveJournal

The concept of open science is gaining momentum – LiveJournal

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Open science is an idea that is gaining ground and even taking two complementary directions. The first is Make knowledge public and accessible for the largest number. It is the duty of science to society, which translates to Event Organizing Like the Researchers Night or the science fairBy publishing documents, magazines or videos aimed at young and old.

Although there have been these experiments in democratizing science for many years, today it is a matter of moving forward by giving everyone the possibility to Refer to sources, consult publications, compare informationAll the things that the Internet facilitates. This openness seems more necessary in the context of the transparency expected of science, and can help restore trust that has been undermined by the development of fake newsEspecially since the Covid-19 health crisis.

Data access assumes thatDelivered at the right place at the right timeThis is the second trend to follow for open science. “We have to save research data in a systematic, organized and efficient manner, which is a prerequisite to be able to do so Make it easier and more useful Comments Thérèse Leblois, responsible for open science and scientific integration at the University Franche Comte, researcher inFEMTO-ST . InstituteWho knows very well what it is all about.

First project sizeOso Thetato define the gate dat @ UBFCWhich is Catalog describing search data . This portal is open to all researchers in the UBFC, it is now operational and will open in October 2022. This symbolic achievement is part of committed approach Officially at the university, among others with charter adoptionThe one who sets the principles, and the one in whom Shared Authentication Service (SCD), dat @ UBFC, French Comte University Press (PUFC) and Department of Information Technology and Digital Services (DSIN). This Franche-Comté University Open Science Charter also aims to promote open publishing and deposit in institutional archives. HAL-UFC (managed by SCD), as well as researchers creating permanent identifiers (IDHAL and ORCID), which are necessary for the unique identification of each author or data generator.

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The implementation of the open science policy is strongly encouraged by national authorities, as evidenced by the establishment of the site open flag And the pulpit of the National Forum Government search for data. They are shared by major research organizationsLike the CNRSI’INSERMI’INRAE or even Egyptian Chefs Association.

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