The brain of vegans does not work like ours

The brain of vegans does not work like ours

If science says so… according to a recent study published in June 2023 in the journal Personality and individual differences According to French researchers, the brains of vegetarians and vegans will not be connected in the same way as the brain of carnivores. This onset of response sounds like a joke, but it actually calls for a very real cognitive function.

More analytical brain thinking

According to the study, vegetarians have more brain patterns “analytics” From their neighbors their eaters, who will take the most “intuitive”, Our colleagues report fromI will hurt you and Rica. To come to this conclusion, the researchers asked guinea pigs to undergo a cognitive reflex test (CRT) theorized in 2005 by psychologist Shane Frederick. Faced with a series of questions, the study then analyzes howOvercoming instinctive responses and engaging in deeper thinking to find the right answer“.

Concretely, vegans tend to like it Think before you act, while carnivores are more likely to follow their first instinct. Meat consumption being a normative phenomenon deeply rooted in Western society, it would seem that the simple fact of questioning a default choice (eating meat) to arrive at a reflexive choice (regardless of economics, environment, or ethics) would attest to a different system of thought.

To be sure, the study authors submitted their session (consisting of a few thousand people) to several problems of logic and mathematics. rate,”Participants who excluded meat regularly or entirely from their menu scored higher on this test, a sign that their cognitive style leaned more towards the latter situation.“.

“It takes conscious thought to adopt a different behavior.” – Laurence Bègue and Kevin Vézirian

Are vegetarians really smarter?

Obviously, the answer is no. Science is just beginning to address the physical and psychological consequences of vegan diets, but it’s still struggling to come up with clear guidelines. Understand: In the absence of real studies conducted on a very large scale, studies tend to say anything and everything. According to a Brazilian scientific article published in 2022, vegans will experience “Twice as many depressive episodes as meat eatersOn the contrary, they will be less affected by cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and arterial hypertension, but they will be more susceptible to strokes due to their vitamin B12 deficiency.

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