The benefit of vitamin D in Covid-19 has not yet been clearly demonstrated
Since the start of the Corona pandemic, we’ve heard from that Recommendations for vitamin D supplements. When given in appropriate doses, these drugs do not cause any harm. The Vitamin DWe fill the memory of people who live in Central Europe According to the Robert Koch Institute, it is open between March and October This is where the sun has the most power. In doing so, not only acute demand is covered but reserves are also created, That carries us through the winter months.
Technical deficiencies in the studies
As an advertisement for taking vitamin D to protect against a (serious) disease with the Coronavirus it is used over and over again Studies from Europe Or the United States Consulted, experts see critically. It has been observed in studies that adding vitamin D preparations has a positive effect, and that patients in intensive care units often have vitamin D deficiency or that people with a good level of vitamin D do not even see it. The technical flaws of the studies are criticized: for example, because the patient’s vitamin D status was not known prior to the disease, the control or comparison group was not appropriate or previous diseases such as diabetes or obesity that had a negative effect on the vitamin D mirrors were neglected.
Previous diseases neglected in the control group
a The study most often used is that of the Reina Sofia Hospital in MadridOf the 50 patients with COVID-19 who received vitamin D, only one ended up in the intensive care unit. In the control group – without vitamin D – the proportion was 50 percent. It sounds good at first, but experts criticize the fact that patient groups were not chosen immediately. From the start there were far more people with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure in the control group. Diseases we already know can lead to a severe course of corona. Hence, their arrival in the ICU is not surprising, according to experts. Conversely, based on the study, no positive effect on vitamin D administration could be deduced.
“If you put the healthy (relatively) into the vitamin D group and the patient (the relative) the control group, it’s clear in advance what will come out of it.” Martin Smolich, pharmacist and professor at the Institute of Nutritional Medicine, University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein in Lübeck
There is no clear cause-and-effect relationship
distance Results of the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), in which experts have handled dozens of studies, there is no reliable evidence of corona protection with vitamin D preparations. A connection can be assumed, but the results are not sufficient to demonstrate a clear cause-and-effect relationship. Which – which Scientifically speaking, vitamin D contributes to the functioning of the immune system, according to the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR).. In fact, it is very important. But that doesn’t mean you should take excessive supplements (and possibly very high doses) as a precaution.
Notes, but no evidence
The Robert Koch Institute also notes on its website that there are still many outstanding clinical studies on the relationship between vitamin D and the acute course of Covid-19. A causal relationship has not been proven. However, there are indications of an increased risk of an acute course of vitamin D deficiency as well as the fact that fewer people must be treated in intensive care after supplementation with vitamin D. There is also evidence that infection subsides more quickly when vitamin D is added if vitamin D deficiency is previously identified. However, it is also indicated that there is no recommendation regarding a preventive intake of vitamin D. However, if there is a deficiency, it can and should be compensated. Especially if you belong to the risk group.
As a result of Covid-19 deficiency in Vitamin D, it does not cause
What Martin Smolich of the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein criticizes is that a low level of vitamin D is often used as a cause of Covid 19 disease, but not as a result. Because the disease It weakens the immune system In the short term, it causes a significant decrease in the level of vitamin D in acute and severe infection.
Previous illnesses lead to a severe course of Covid-19
Therefore, a causal relationship is often used here which is not easy to infer. Only studies found that the level of vitamin D was very low in patients who had severe courses at the same time. But this is not the reason. There is not necessarily a direct contact. Vitamin D deficiency can simply mean that there are other pre-existing conditions that have lowered the level, which in turn could lead to a severe course of Covid-19. Or, a low vitamin D level from the start led to other pre-existing illnesses in the first place. Because Vitamin D is very important for an effective immune system.
Vitamin D deficiency is common in the elderly
Elderly people tend to have a deficiency above average in vitamin D, because in old age there are other diseases that cause the level to decrease, and at the same time the production of vitamin D decreases with age. In the Corona-Podcast from NDR Virologist Sandra Cissek notes that vitamin D deficiency is more common in people who are rarely outdoors. This is especially true for people with restricted mobility, the chronically ill and those in need of care – and often the elderly.
Side effects of excessive vitamin D intake.
Then nutritional preparations and supplements can help. However, the dosage should definitely be discussed with the doctor. Because excessive vitamin D intake can in the long run lead to uncomfortable side effects such as kidney stones, kidney calcifications, and disturbances in the cardiovascular system, DGE experts warn.
You walk enough in the summer
Unlike The “right” vitamins Vitamin D, which is only a precursor to a hormone, is only absorbed 10 to 20 percent through food. Few foods contain so much vitamin D that they can meet needs. Therefore, it is best to replenish your vitamin D stores through the sun. Due to UVB rays, the liver and kidneys make up vital vitamins. Basically, a five to 25 minute walk in the fresh air in the summer is enough to get enough vitamin D. You only need to expose your face, arms, legs and hands to the sun every day. Then we can get through the bleak winter months.
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