The audience discovers an atypical natural space: Mégeries

The audience discovers an atypical natural space: Mégeries

For the second year, the Department of Biodiversity and Natural Spaces of Agglo Hérault-Méditerranée together with the city, the tourist office and local users (ornithologist, breeder and fishermen’s association) have organized a guided tour of this atypical natural space. The Besan Plateau, also called Les Mégeries, is a real place for keeping the little houbara.

This space is an integral part of the Natura 2000 site of 6,070 hectares between Béziers, Bessan and Agde. Inland, it is occupied by cultivated areas, mainly vineyards. On the coast, there are vast wetlands and an impressive dune belt.

This new edition of the Nature Festival has been a huge success with a host of participants from all over the city.

After the first part of the room, Project Managers Aude and Manon presented the natural site and its challenges related to biodiversity conservation, conservation of natural habitats and species of high heritage value.

Nature photographer Brigitte Moeti revealed the life of a bird found at the site: the stone curlew (also called the tar or curlew). The group then took the road to Mégeries. Participants were able to observe the flight and hear the houbara bustard, as well as the crunch of stone, and discover the richness of fauna and flora at the site.

Tanguy Lebrun, technician from the Federation of Hunters, presented the work of the Wildlife Habitat Foundation which works towards protecting the environment and biodiversity through the acquisition and management of land for conservation purposes, approximately 40 hectares in Bissan.

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Participants were finally able to meet sheep farmer Patrick Benabent, whose pastoral activity allows him to maintain open environments suitable for houbara bustards and other species such as hares and partridges.

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