The Arguion Cup, is becoming increasingly international

The Arguion Cup, is becoming increasingly international

International tennis hopes followed one another last week on the courts of TC Argayon. Included in the junior tour calendar since 2005, the Neville stage of this European circuit, intended for under-14s and under-16s, has built up a solid reputation over the years. “Seven years ago, we got to the second grade, says Xavier Dufresne, Tournament Director. This means that we offer a good standard label. It’s not the top, but there are still top 10 or top 15 in the world in the age groups that happen to us.

The reputation of Neville’s organization grew. The tables show, however, that participation is becoming increasingly international. “This year we noticed that the citizens of our neighboring countries were underrepresented, Statements by Matteo Orioli, assistant referee . On the other hand, there are many players from eastern countries. Most of all, many of them travel to increasingly distant countries. The fact that they don’t hesitate to come to Neville is a sign of appreciation for our championship.”

Among the competitors (sometimes Indonesian or New Zealand), the Argayon Cup particularly welcomed the Canadian team. “This is the first time he comes to Europe, where his children discover clay. However, some of them have launched big matches. One of them even made it to the final.

Charlize Celebrini, as far as she is concerned, seized the opportunity perfectly as she won three sets in the U-14 girls’ category.

In the category of boys under 14 years old, Russian Savia Rybken made a strong impression by outperforming all his competitors to reach the final, before he had to fight a little more in the final to defeat Czech Dominique Wagner.

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In the senior age group, and in the under-16s, the level was again very high, for both girls and boys. On the women’s level, the victory went to the Russian Maria Kolas, who is currently residing at the Justine Henin Club. Among the boys won the Latvian Arturs Zagars.

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