The announcement of a volcano eruption near Nyiragongo was a “false alarm”.

The announcement of a volcano eruption near Nyiragongo was a “false alarm”.

The Ministry of Communications initially reported a “low-intensity” volcanic eruption, which did not threaten any populated area on the northern side of this volcano.

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No new eruption in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The government’s announcement of an eruption of a small volcano near Nyiragongo, in the east of the country, was tantalizing “false alarm”Soon after this government announced itself, Saturday, May 29.

“False alarm on Nyamuragira. A plane has just flown over the entire area from the sides of this volcano. No eruption has been observed.”After reporting a volcano eruption, the Ministry of Communications said on Twitter Low density And not to threaten any populated area on the northern side of the same volcano. “It was a fairly intense activity of charring wood into charcoal, and its smoke was seen as volcano activity.”The ministry explained.

A government spokesman cited Murara, a secondary crater in Nyamuragira, a very active volcano whose lava still flows in Virunga National Park.

The Goma region is a region of intense volcanic activity, with six volcanoes, including Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira, which peak at 3,470 and 3,058 meters, respectively.

The Nyiragongo eruption erupted on May 22nd without any warning signs. Two massive lava flows escaped from the sides of the volcano, one of which settled in the northeastern suburbs of Goma. At least 34 people were killed, and between 900 and 2,500 homes were destroyed.

Nearly 400,000 people are currently displaced in the neighboring South Kivu Province, Masisi region and the North since the evacuation “preventive” Decided by the government. A few thousand people have taken refuge in Rwanda. Criticism of the authorities has increased since this sudden explosion and the subsequent chaotic and sudden evacuation of Goma.

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