The Air and Space Museum organizes film screening sessions on … a Boeing 747!

The Air and Space Museum organizes film screening sessions on … a Boeing 747!

On August 26 and 27, the Air and Space Museum takes us on board for two outdoor shows, shown on… an airplane!

3, 2, 1 … Ready for an extraordinary evening, Ciné Tarmac returns in August at the Museum of Air and Space! On Friday, August 26 and Saturday, August 27, films on the topic of flying on a Boeing 747 will be shown! Take your tickets right on the track, on show evenings, and admission is free for those under 26.

On the program for the next two evenings? Clint Eastwood’s “Sully” The film will be shown on Friday evening, and the next day the film will be shown “The Wind Rises” by Hayao Miyazaki It will be shown on Saturday evening at 9 pm!

about these expectations, Aviation-related activities are also planned from 6pm on Friday and Saturday evenings… Découvrez le fonctionnement d’une montgolfière avec l’atelier gonflage d’un ballon à air chaud, expérimentez la microgravité ou encore installez-vous à bord d’un avion de chasse des années 50, unsolédés d’acuse s’ activité to discover!

So buckle up, and head to the Air and Space Museum for exceptional evenings!

For other unusual shows, head to the REcyclerie for an outdoor cinema session on the bars of Petite Ceinture!

+ info

tarmac cinema
August 26 and 27
From 9 pm
At the Air and Space Museum
Paris Le Bourget Airport
93352 Le Bourget

Prices: 16 euros – free for children under 26 years old

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Photo: Boeing 737 © Tania Rio


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