The 3rd Conference of the Presidents of Lourdes Sports Associations – LOURDES-ACTU

The 3rd Conference of the Presidents of Lourdes Sports Associations – LOURDES-ACTU

The 3rd Conference of Presidents of Sports Federations was held on Saturday 8th October at the Conference Palace.

About sixty mayors and elected officials met for moments of discussion and engagement. The main theme this year was sports and people over 60.

Deputy Mayor of Sports Mohamed Delmy, Deputy Mayor for Social Affairs Odette Menviel Larousse, Municipal Adviser for Environmental Transformation Antoine Nougues, Head of Sports Services Benoit Hanse, Head of Culture, Youth and Events Paul Marilyn Marge, Project Manager for the Sports Administrative Office at Hautes-Pyrénées Hélène FIGARD- FABRE, mental trainer Jean-Michel LAVEDAN, Mr. Alain Papa, President of Cyclo-randonneurs Lourdais Alain PAPA, sports reporter for La Dépêche and Nouvelle République Michel CORSINI.

The inclusion of all sporting events in the year, in particular major cycling events, work done or to be done in sports structures, and the cost of municipal buildings dedicated to sports federations, was recalled. But also relevant interventions, testimonials, and honors to the great Lords athletes punctuated the morning (we write below the tribute paid by our excellent colleague Michel Corsini to the great Lords rugby player Michael Hauser).

The conference ended with a cup of friendship.

Greetings from Michel Corsini to Michel Hauser Former FCL player, 1968 French ChampionAnd the Winner of the FCL Yves du Manoir Challenge 1966 and 1967And the International in 1969

“Michael Hauser”, whom his friends call “Zo”, was born in Lourdes on July 10, 1945. After a busy sporting career, in addition to being a player, coach and manager, he dedicated himself along with his wife Kathy the good conduct of the cafe and her restaurant “Le Seven”.

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Everything was going well until one day in 2007 when he was diagnosed with lymphoma, that is, cancer of the lymph nodes. Michel was then 62 years old. And there, with severed legs, the fart takes understandable morale.

However, the former third-line winger fought hard for his club, with Team France or the Midi-Pyrenees pick, and he is the only one during the New Zealanders’ Tour, in France, to defeat the terrible “all blacks” who were said to “play black in mourning for the others”.

Michel had his first chemotherapy at Lourdes. A team of Parisian teachers and doctors come to play a friendly rugby match at Stade Antoine Béguère. There, Michel Hauser discusses his illness with Professor Chermann, an oncologist at La Salpêtrière Hospital, in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, son of Professor Chermann, the researcher who found a vaccine against AIDS.

Those doctors who came to Lourdes were those who treated Jean Pratt, Cathy’s father and Michel’s father. They even gave Mr. Rajabi’s name to one of their entities.

Parisian oncologist advises Michel to remain loyal to his colleague at Lourdes and encourages him to keep playing the sport, adding, “It’s an advantage.”

For six months, he undergoes chemotherapy sessions. He is followed up regularly, after 5 years he is told that his cancer is in remission, but that he can start over…

Five years later, in fact, he appeared again. New appointment with oncologist Jan Levinor, he went to Tarbes.

Chemotherapy sessions are more difficult. In particular, the first that did not work. He was placed in intensive care, and Michel lost 11 kilograms.

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He should use supplements (which he doesn’t like, and even has a bad memory!) to regain the weight. With a recovery of 4 or 5 kg, he leaves for a series of chemotherapy.

He is followed by the doctor Mrs. Soto who introduces him to a nurse in charge of administering the custom treatment, who tells him that this little girl is a licensed rugby club. Speaking to this nurse, she told her about her patient: “There, there is a respondent.” Speaking to Michelle Hauser, she advised him not to stop his sports activities, especially cycling, adding: “Sports do not cure cancer, but they are an excellent treatment.”

Today, Michel displays 77 steel spirits springs. »

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