Tesla was ordered to compensate for the Model 3 whose management was constantly turning to the right

Tesla was ordered to compensate for the Model 3 whose management was constantly turning to the right


New Zealand justice found that the plaintiff’s car, which veered constantly to the right, had an irreparable manufacturing defect.

Are you here The court sentenced him New Zealand to reimburse the Model 3 for one of his customers. Within a few months, the latter, Sean Baker, had to repair his car six times with the same technical problem that was impossible to fix. The buyer picked up the Model 3 Performance in August 2022 for NZ$104,643, or approximately €57,000. But very quickly, he found himself in big trouble, according to reports Tom guide. Indeed, the car was constantly veering to the right while driving. So the customer returned to the manufacturer.

The latter confirmed that there was indeed a defect and tried to fix it by aligning the wheels of the car electric car. But after three months the problem reappeared. The New Zealander took over the garage, where the wheels were re-adjusted again and some parts changed. The latter will not comply with established standards. But this intervention did not change anything.

Garage change

A few days later, Sean Baker appeared for the third time in his Tesla for the same reason. The driver appeared to finally be rid of the steering glitch when the phenomenon recurred in February 2023. After more unsatisfactory repairs, the customer decided to take his Model 3 to a detached garage. There, a professional found that the steering wheel had to be held constantly on the left for the electric car to go straight.

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Upset, Sean Baker called the manufacturer to reimburse him for his purchase. But Tesla said no manufacturing problems were found and that claim is not acceptable. Which is why Sean Baker finally took legal action that admitted Elon Musk’s company was liable. It ordered the company to indemnify Model 3 in full and to compensate the plaintiff for miscellaneous costs incurred in repairs.

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