Teddy bear superpowers explained by science

Teddy bear superpowers explained by science

scientifically proven. Children’s best friend – and adults – has super strength. French study quoted in the American Journal ” Journal of Positive Psychologyy”, proves it. The emotional attachment of the teddy bear plays a much greater role in comfort than anything else. The teddy bear is therefore unbeatable.

The king of stuffed animals has held a very important place in Western homes since the beginning of the 20th century.H a century. But where does this reassuring superpower come from? In an effort to discover and reveal the mystery, French scientists decided to conduct a study on this topic.

In 2019, during the researchers’ night, they developed an experimental protocol to draw the robot’s image of the most comfortable bear. Thus, the study was conducted in the “Marine Biology” unit. Nearly a thousand participants, ranging in age from 3 to 72 years old, took part in the game, namely: measuring the physical, olfactory, and kinesthetic (smoothness) characteristics of their favorite teddy bears.

They then had to compare the relaxing strength of their teddy bear to eight other teddy bears. Then the process was repeated using another bear, and this time the respondents had no emotional connection. Result: Participants overestimated the relaxing strength of their bear.

Moving on > The Teddy Bear Hospital, a place to reassure children

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