Technical Staff for Medical and Small Scale Industries: More Skills for Better Efficiency

Technical Staff for Medical and Small Scale Industries: More Skills for Better Efficiency

Juno Gibbs didn’t wait until the end of the season, Sunday night, to draw his personal budget. “I need to improve things. I have to spend more time with the players face to face in order to improve them.” By being in the permanent management of the emergency but also by taking care of the key sector, Juno Gibbs was not able to achieve all that was He envisions it by landing on the ASM seat.

This is one of the reasons that prompted the club to expand the technical staff next season. One reason, but not the only reason. With diverse skills, Didier Ritier and Juno Gibbs intend to bring more experience. As the New Zealand technician explains.

“The most important thing is our environment, our group. We must be able to improve our work together. When you are an ambitious player who wants to win titles, you need an environment that matches that ambition.”

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Defense expert Jared Payne is designated to this effect. Juno Gibbs knew the Irish man when he was off the bench with Ulster in 2018. “He transitioned very quickly from his career as a player to his career as a coach. His first months were naturally impressive. He immediately acquired the skills to coach.”

Focus on the Seven Recruits Officially Recruited by ASM Clermont

Opportunity Julien Le Devedec

If Juno Gibbs goes to look for Jared Payne in Ulster, Julien Le Davidic’s arrival in the touch sector is an even greater opportunity. But the contacts between the coach and the former Brave were rather fruitful. As the Clermont technician explains:

“For Julian, this is not a job, it is a passion. He has this communicative energy that will be very important for the group. The basis of rugby is communication and a good atmosphere in the locker room. He can bring that. I did not know him personally. I had several meetings with him and he was there “Feeling ‘absolutely wonderful.'”

This is not an arrival, but the change is important. Benson Stanley, the former defense chief, will take over “Skills” (individual style). Its powers are not limited to the professional sector only. He would also intervene on the academy side in order to ensure dispatch but also some form of uniformity in game situations.

Arnaud Clerge

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