Synchro, Olympic qualifiers: Italy in the lead in the qualifiers

Synchro, Olympic qualifiers: Italy in the lead in the qualifiers

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Il 12 giugno alle 10 i preliminari della routine libera del Duo, mentre alle 17 la routine tecnica. Il 13 giugno alle 15 la finale della routine libera del Duo. Ventisei i doppi in gara mentre sette le Squadre iscritte.

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Dieci le azzurre in gara, convocate dal direttore tecnico delle squadre nazionali Patrizia Giallombardo: Beatrice Callegari (Marina Militare e Montebelluna Nuoto), Domiziana Cavanna (Fiamme Oro e RN Savona), Linda Cerruti (RN Savona e Marina Militare), Francesca Deidda (Fiamme Oro e Promogest), Costanza Di Camillo (Marina Militare e RN Savona), Costanza Ferro (RN Savona/Marina Militare), Gemma Galli (Marina Militare e Busto Nuoto),  Federica Sala (RN Savona), Alessia Pezone (Aurelia N e Fiamme Oro), Enrica Piccoli (Montebelluna e Fiamme Oro).

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Completano lo staff il consigliere federale Antonio De Pascale, il tecnico responsabile degli esercizi di squadra Roberta Farinelli, l’assistente Rossella Pibiri, il medico di settore Gianfranco Colombo, la fisioterapista Sara Lupo, il giudice Paolo Menin.

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Barcelona. a step towards Tokyo. After the historic fifth place in Rio 2016, the best result in history, The blue team tries to immediately grab the pass from the Sant Jordi pool in Barcelona The last places are in the Tokyo Olympics (2-7 August) where 7 teams and 22 doubles participate.

Eligible teams are Japan, Russia, Australia, Egypt, China, Ukraine and Canada. Three places are empty. The qualifying doubles is 10 for the qualified teams plus Spain, New Zealand, South Africa, Kazakhstan and Mexico. Seven free seats.

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The Blues are actually in the lead in the technical routine preliminaries with 90.7917 (Version 27.6000, impression 27.6000, items 35.5917) Influence on the tones of “Super Heroes” music. We Can Be Superheroes Designed by Antongiulio Frulio With choreography for the Italian crew, directed by Patricia Giallombardo.

Spain ranks second with two and a half points (90.5506), while Greece comes in third with 87.3990. Fourth place over France and the first excluded at 3.7 points from Blue (87.0501). Strength is the desire of girls to make a dream come true, they dress up as superheroes when they fight with all their might, defend, protect and reassure.

The subject matter of the exercise is related to the drama of the moment in which we are living. “Instinctively it felt like a tidal wave. After a moment the reason comes, the loss lasts for a second, then we looked around and thought, of course, that postponing the Olympics is not the best, but sport, as important as it is, is not the most important part of life. This moment is tragic. There are those who die, who are in the hospital, those who see loved ones leave, those who don’t know if they’ll still have a job tomorrow, and then you immediately realize that the drama is elsewhere, certainly not in the postponed Olympics a year. No matter what wait we want to go to Tokyo”, the leitmotif and the necessary in the mind and heart of the blue group that concludes on June 11 with Team Libero at 3pm which will give the team’s final classification.

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On June 12 at 10 a.m., the duo’s free routine took place, while at 5 p.m. the technical routine took place. On June 13 at 3 p.m., Duo’s free routine finale. Twenty-six doubles in the competition while seven teams entered.

blue ten in the race, Called up by national team coach Patrizia Giallombardo: Beatrice Caligari (Marina Militar, Montebellona Nouto), Domiziana Cavanna (Fiame Oro, RN Savona), Linda Cerruti (RN Savona, Marina Militar), Francesca Deeda (Fiame Oro and Promogest), Costanza RN Savona), Costanza Ferro (RN Savona/Marina Militar), Gemma Galli (Navy and Posto Swimming), Federica Sala (RN Savona), Alicia Pizzoni (Aurelia Inn and Viame Oro), Enrica Piccoli (Montebellona and Viam Oro).

they complete staff Federal Adviser Antonio Di Pascal, Roberta Farinelli Technical Responsible for Team Exercises, Assistant Rosella Piperi, Specialist Doctor Gianfranco Colombo, Physiotherapist Sarah Lobo, Judge Paolo Menin.

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