Swede is mutilated by a bear who eats him as tacos and kebabs

Swede is mutilated by a bear who eats him as tacos and kebabs

Six months after being attacked by a bear, a 42-year-old Swedish man still bears the scars of the incident, but feels relieved in his own way.

He became Sweden's most famous fisherman. On August 21, Pär Sundstrom, 42, was hunting about 300 kilometers north of Stockholm, Sweden, when he was violently attacked by a bear. While he was wounding his father's face, the son managed to hit the bear in the head, distracting the animal, before his father shot and killed it.

About six months later, the father interviewed his father, who still had traces of the attack on his face Aftonbladet, the most widely read newspaper in Scandinavia. “Doctors have to build a nose and correct the skin near the eyes. Once it is ready, it should be very close to the original,” commented Bar Sundström, who had spent two weeks in hospital at the time.

Bear in the pan

Another reason for the hunter's satisfaction: his ability to eat the bear that attacked him. “It's also definite revenge. Making tacos with a bear that bit me in the face, that has to be the ultimate revenge,” he told Swedish media.

But bear wasn't just eaten as tacos. Among the many dishes are “bear kebab” and “bear meat Christmas rolls”.

Bear numbers are increasing in northern Europe. In August, the two men participated in a bear cull in these Norwegian forests. Faced with the resurgence of the animals, authorities have allowed hunters to kill up to 649 bears in 2023, a number not seen in decades.

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