Survivors of Laumab in the beginning?  Hans Peter Wilde reveals the truth!

Survivors of Laumab in the beginning? Hans Peter Wilde reveals the truth!

Ngani Laumape arrived at Stade-Français Paris last summer from the Hurricanes, the three-quarter position of the All-Blacks, and was a huge disappointment in his first season under the Paris colors.

Very conservative and rarely sharp, the New Zealander was never able to show his true qualities on the ground of the top 14.

Recently, a rumor suggested a possible departure for Ngani Laumape this summer, well before the end of his contract.

Asked about this in columns olympic backHans-Peter Wild, owner of Stade-Français Paris, revealed the truth.

He makes no secret that Stade-Français Paris is seeking to abandon Ngani Laumape with immediate effect.

According to Hans-Peter Wild, a New Zealand family would not feel comfortable in Paris. Extract:

“Njani Laumab is training with us at the moment. But his family is having a little trouble adjusting to this huge city in Paris, so we recently discussed the possibility of releasing the player. Whatever happens in the next few days, we will consider the best option for him, his family and the club.”

Survivors of Laumab in the beginning? Reply in the coming days.


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